International Business Machines (IBM) es una empresa dedicada a proporcionar a las empresas soluciones para la mejora de sus procesos de negocio. Así, IBM facilita a sus clientes los métodos para hacer frente a los problemas empresariales mediante una adecuada utilización de las tecnologías de la información.

IBM proporciona dichas soluciones mediante un trabajo integral que abarca desde los procesos iniciales de investigación y desarrollo hasta los proceso fabricación, comercialización y soporte posventa. Además, la Compañía presta servicios profesionales de consultoría de negocio, externalización e integración de sistemas.

Desde su fundación en Estados Unidos en 1914, IBM se ha mantenido a la vanguardia de la tecnología. La Compañía sigue siendo en la actualidad -tanto a nivel mundial como en el mercado español- una empresa líder del sector. Sus actividades incluyen la investigación, desarrollo, fabricación y comercialización de tecnologías y productos de hardware y software, así como servicios tecnológicos, outsourcing, integración de sistemas y servicios de consultoría de negocio.

La oferta de hardware, software, servicios y financiación de IBM es la más completa del mercado, lo que permite a la Compañía ofrecer soluciones tecnológicas a cualquier tipo de cliente, desde usuarios particulares hasta instituciones y grandes empresas de cualquier sector de actividad.

Miembro desde hace

13 años 7 meses


  • IBM desarrolla una aplicación para predecir el efecto de las políticas municipales

    IBM ha anunciado una nueva aplicación de análisis para que las ciudades puedan predecir el resultado de las decisiones políticas y sus posibles repercusiones positivas o negativas en un futuro de hasta 25 años. “Sistemas dinámicos para ciudades inteligentes” (System Dynamics for Smarter Cities) está diseñada para ayudar a los gobiernos municipales a reducir o evitar posibles consecuencias no deseadas. Además, les permite hacer hincapié en políticas que proyecten resultados positivos.

  • IBM to Acquire Algorithmics

    IBM today announced a definitive agreement to acquire Algorithmics for $387 million, subject to price adjustments at closing. Algorithmics is a risk analytics firm with operations in Toronto, Canada. Algorithmics risk analytics software, content and advisory services are used by banking, investment and insurance businesses to help assess risk, address regulatory requirements and make more insightful business decisions. Algorithmics is a member of Fitch Group, which is majority owned by Fimalac, a holding company based in Paris, France.

    IBM Accelerates Business Analytics into Financial Risk Management


    IBM today announced a definitive agreement to acquire Algorithmics for $387 million, subject to price adjustments at closing. Algorithmics is a risk analytics firm with operations in Toronto, Canada. Algorithmics risk analytics software, content and advisory services are used by banking, investment and insurance businesses to help assess risk, address regulatory requirements and make more insightful business decisions. Algorithmics is a member of Fitch Group, which is majority owned by Fimalac, a holding company based in Paris, France.

    This acquisition expands IBM's business analytics capabilities in the financial services industry by helping clients quantify, manage and optimize their risk exposure across a range of financial risk domains, including market, liquidity, credit, operational and insurance as well as economic and regulatory capital.

    According to a recent IBM Institute of Business Value survey of 1,900 global CFOs, nearly half indicated that their finance organizations are not effective in the areas of strategy, information integration, risk and opportunity management. The roles of financial officers across all industries are evolving -- drawing them into more frequent boardroom conversations about forecasts, profitability and exposure to risks. The survey reveals the importance of integrating information has more than doubled, mirroring the exponential rise in information volume and velocity within businesses today. Financial officers are becoming more involved in mitigating corporate risk in all its many forms – whether strategic, operational, legal or environmental.

    Across the financial industry, integrated risk management continues to be a challenge -- made even more pressing by regulations triggered in response to the global financial crisis. Financial practitioners are tasked with making split-second decisions by analyzing activity happening both within their corporations and from other market forces. With the combination of IBM and Algorithmics analytics, companies can measure and assess operational risk associated with lending processes, market and credit risk exposures. Having this type of transparency and granular insight of financial risk in advance can help organizations meet new regulatory requirements.

    More than 350 clients, including 25 of the top 30 banks and more than two-thirds of the CRO Forum of leading insurers, use Algorithmics analytics software and advisory services. Clients include The Allianz Group, BlueCrest, HSBC, Nedbank, Nomura, Societe Generale, and Scotia Capital.

    “Today's economic environment demands that financial institutions have more cash on hand, a better understanding of their financial standing and the ability to deliver more transparency to stakeholders,” said Rob Ashe, IBM General Manager, Business Analytics. “Combining Algorithmics expertise with IBM’s deep analytics portfolio will allow clients to take a more holistic approach to managing risk and responding to economic change across their enterprises.” 

    IBM's agreement with Algorithmics reinforces that companies are looking to reduce independent silos to gain an enterprise-wide view of risks for strategic planning, operations and new growth opportunities.

    “It is increasingly important to deliver integrated solutions that provide a deep understanding of risk and enable effective decision support at the same time as meeting rapidly evolving regulatory requirements. The need to have the right information at the right time is fundamental to developing and managing business strategies,” said Dr. Michael Zerbs, president and COO, Algorithmics. “Combining Algorithmics' thought leadership, technology, content and services with IBM's globally recognized analytics business will help a broader group of clients improve their business performance based on a deeper understanding of risk.”

    Algorithmics risk analytics software and services combined with IBM's acquisition of OpenPages and recent investments in predictive analytics will provide clients with the broadest range of business analytics solutions.

    Algorithmics' risk advisers will enhance IBM's Business Analytics and Optimization practice. The practice has nearly 8,000 consultants including almost 300 researchers and a network of analytics solution centers, backed by an overall investment of more than $14 billion in acquisitions since 2005. Algorithmics’ focus on credit, market and liquidity risk, as well as key customers in operational risk, will strengthen and expand IBM’s risk consulting services.

    The acquisition is subject to applicable regulatory clearances and other customary closing conditions. With the closing of this acquisition, approximately 900 Algorithmics employees will join IBM's Software Group.


    About Algorithmics

    Algorithmics is the world's leading provider of risk solutions. Financial organizations from around the world use Algorithmics software, analytics and advisory services to help them make risk-aware business decisions, maximize shareholder value, and meet regulatory requirements. Supported by a global team of risk experts based in all major financial centers, Algorithmics offers proven, award-winning solutions for market, credit and operational risk, as well as collateral and capital management.

    Algorithmics, incorporated in Delaware as Fitch Risk Management, Inc, is a member of Fitch Group, majority owned by Fimalac, a holding company based in Paris, France.

    About Fitch Group

    Fitch Group is a global provider of financial services, including credit ratings (Fitch Ratings), market analytics and services (Fitch Solutions) and enterprise risk management solutions (Algorithmics). Fitch Group operates in more than 50 countries, and is majority-owned by Fimalac, S.A., headquartered in Paris, France.

    About Fimalac

    Fimalac, a diversified holding company headquartered in Paris, France, is around 80 percent owned by its Founder, Chairman and CEO, Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière. Fimalac’s holdings include a majority stake in Fitch Group, a global provider of financial services, North Colonnade Ltd, a commercial real estate complex in the prestigious Canary Wharf district of London, England, and Fimalac Développement, a subsidiary that acquires stakes in competitive companies with strong growth potential.

    For additional information, please visit and

    For more information, visit IBM Business Analytics and Optimization at



  • PRISA utilizará Media Enterprise Framework de IBM para personalizar su oferta de contenidos y publicidad

    PRISA ha elegido a IBM para crear una nueva plataforma de medios digitales como parte de su firme compromiso por impulsar la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo del negocio digital.

    Durante los próximos tres años, PRISA utilizará el software analítico de IBM para consolidar, gestionar y distribuir contenidos a través de todas sus plataformas de medios de comunicación y mejorar su capacidad para proporcionar a sus clientes contenidos más personalizados en tiempo real.

    PRISA opera en 22 países y llega a más de 50 millones de consumidores a través de sus marcas globales, incluyendo el periódico líder en España, El País, así como televisión vía satélite, radio hablada y musical, y productos editoriales. Este proyecto forma parte de los esfuerzos de PRISA para profundizar en su conocimiento de las preferencias de los consumidores en cuanto a contenido y poder ampliar el alcance de la empresa a más de 700 millones de personas en todo el mundo.

  • Más emoción en Wimbledon, gracias a la tecnología de análisis predictivo de datos de IBM

    El torneo de tenis Wimbledon 2011 cuenta con un nuevo marcador online (accesible en que no sólo ofrece los datos de la puntuación del partido sino que los cruza con un total de cinco años de datos históricos de este grand slam. Tanto aficionados como entrenadores, jugadores y comentaristas, podrán utilizar esta información para comprender mejor en qué aspectos del juego los deportistas deben centrarse para competir de forma más eficaz.


    La tecnología empleada en el marcador, PointStream, ha sido suministrada por IBM, y utiliza casi 40 millones de puntos jugados en competición en el último lustro así como datos basados en enfrentamientos previos al torneo. Analizando el patrón de juego de cada contrincante, IBM PointStream identifica las tres claves que cada jugador debe tener en cuenta para ofrecer su máximo nivel de rendimiento. Estas claves podrían ser por ejemplo el porcentaje de acierto en primeros servicios o el número de puntos ganados con menos de tres intercambios de golpes.


  • V Foro anual IBM Business Analytics para Gobierno

    Palacete de los Duques de Pastrana, Madrid

    En este tiempo de ajustes y de intensas presiones presupuestarias es necesario que descubra cómo las soluciones de Business Analytics pueden ayudarle a mejorar la toma de decisiones y la transparencia, visibilidad y control a través de su organismo, para que puedan prestar unos servicios de mayor calidad y al mismo tiempo mostrar resultados tangibles que mejoren los resultados y justifiquen las inversiones.