
  • SAP adquiere al proveedor de networking B2B Crossgate

    SAP ha anunciado la adquisición del proveedor de integración de business-to-business (B2B) Crossgate, con el fin de ampliar su portfolio de producto con soluciones que permitan crear valor de forma rápida para los clientes de todo el mundo, Como compañía líder de servicios de integración B2B alojados, Crossgate permite a las organizaciones integrar y conectar plenamente a los partners comerciales, clientes y proveedores, permitiendo el intercambio de datos electrónicos con cualquier partner de negocio independientemente de su capacidad técnica. Como resultados de esta adquisición, SAP permitirá la creación de redes a nivel empresarial, proporcionando una alternativa fácil a los partners comerciales para colaborar, compartir datos y automatizar los procesos que unan a clientes y proveedores, simplificando así el comercio electrónico B2B..

  • SAP SAPPHIRE Now 2011.

    IFEMA Madrid

    SAP executives and thought leaders will offer a pragmatic approach to addressing current, global market challenges and share how SAP can help you innovate now to keep your organization ahead of the competition.


    Meet Our Customers Pavilion & Executive Meeting Center

    The MOC Pavilion offers you an opportunity to network with current SAP customers and hear first-hand about their challenges and successes. Please contact Stephanie DuBois if you’d like to make an appointment or have questions about the MOC Pavilion.

    At the Executive Meeting Center, you can engage in a unique and personalized executive-level discussion with SAP subject matter experts in a private area on the show floor. Contact your Account Executive for more information.


    IFEMA Madrid

    SAP executives and thought leaders will offer a pragmatic approach to addressing current, global market challenges and share how SAP can help you innovate now to keep your organization ahead of the competition.


    Meet Our Customers Pavilion & Executive Meeting Center

    The MOC Pavilion offers you an opportunity to network with current SAP customers and hear first-hand about their challenges and successes. Please contact Stephanie DuBois if you’d like to make an appointment or have questions about the MOC Pavilion.

    At the Executive Meeting Center, you can engage in a unique and personalized executive-level discussion with SAP subject matter experts in a private area on the show floor. Contact your Account Executive for more information.

  • Enterprises Embrace Smarter Carbon Management with SAP and the Carbon Disclosure Project

    SAP AG and the not-for-profit Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) are experiencing increasing demand for CDP Reporter Services. The services include solutions based on sustainability software from SAP, enabling companies to access both advanced analytics and industry data required to benchmark their energy and carbon footprints. Since its debut in 2010, the software has been adopted by more than 40 enterprise customers, including Cisco, DuPont, E.ON, Boeing and Hess. Companies are increasingly using analytics to assess and maximize the return on investment (ROI) from cost-saving greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction activities and income-generating business opportunities.

  • Grupo El Árbol confía a SAP el análisis e integración en tiempo real de la información de su red de supermercados

    Empresa o cliente
    Grupo El Árbol
    SAP POS Data Management, SAP Process Integration, SAP Business Intelligence


    SAP ha desarrollado un proyecto basado en SAP POS Data Management, solución para la recogida, validación y distribución de los datos que se generan en los Terminales Punto de Venta(TPV) situados en los 418 supermercados que Grupo El Árbol posee en España.

    Supermercados El Árbol, que cuenta con una plantilla que supera los 7.000 empleados, es la octava cadena de distribución de España por superficie de ventas, concentrando su presencia en las regiones del noroeste y sudeste peninsular. Su fuerte presencia y liderazgo regional es una de las fortalezas de la compañía.