Como sabéis, el Machine Learning es uno de los temas que más nos interesan en el Portal y, máxime, cuando gran parte de las tecnologías son Open Source. En esta entrada, os indicamos los 30 proyectos más interesantes en en este año.
Os dejamos también el material que publicamos con las claves del Machine Learning y una introducción
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No 1
FastText: Library for fast text representation and classification. [11786 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Facebook ResearchNo 2
Deep-photo-styletransfer: Code and data for paper “Deep Photo Style Transfer” [9747 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Fujun Luan, Ph.D. at Cornell UniversityNo 3
The world’s simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line [8672 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Adam GeitgeyNo 4
Magenta: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence [8113 stars on Github].No 5
Sonnet: TensorFlow-based neural network library [5731 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Malcolm Reynolds at DeepmindNo 6
deeplearn.js: A hardware-accelerated machine intelligence library for the web [5462 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Nikhil Thorat at Google BrainNo 7
Fast Style Transfer in TensorFlow [4843 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Logan Engstrom at MITNo 8
Pysc2: StarCraft II Learning Environment [3683 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Timo Ewalds at DeepMindNo 9
AirSim: Open source simulator based on Unreal Engine for autonomous vehicles from Microsoft AI & Research [3861 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Shital Shah at MicrosoftNo 10
Facets: Visualizations for machine learning datasets [3371 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Google BrainNo 11
Style2Paints: AI colorization of images [3310 stars on Github].No 12
Tensor2Tensor: A library for generalized sequence to sequence models — Google Research [3087 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ryan Sepassi at Google BrainNo 13
Image-to-image translation in PyTorch (e.g. horse2zebra, edges2cats, and more) [2847 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jun-Yan Zhu, Ph.D at BerkeleyNo 14
Faiss: A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. [2629 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Facebook ResearchNo 15
Fashion-mnist: A MNIST-like fashion product database [2780 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Han Xiao, Research Scientist Zalando TechNo 16
ParlAI: A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialog datasets [2578 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Alexander Miller at Facebook ResearchNo 17
Fairseq: Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit [2571 stars on Github].No 18
Pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch [2387 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Uber AI LabsNo 19
iGAN: Interactive Image Generation powered by GAN [2369 stars on Github].No 20
Deep-image-prior: Image restoration with neural networks but without learning [2188 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Dmitry Ulyanov, Ph.D at SkoltechNo 21
Face_classification: Real-time face detection and emotion/gender classification using fer2013/imdb datasets with a keras CNN model and openCV. [1967 stars on Github].No 22
Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition using DeepMind’s WaveNet and tensorflow [1961 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Namju Kim at Kakao BrainNo 23
StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation [1954 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Yunjey Choi at Korea UniversityNo 24
Ml-agents: Unity Machine Learning Agents [1658 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Arthur Juliani, Deep Learning at Unity3DNo 25
DeepVideoAnalytics: A distributed visual search and visual data analytics platform [1494 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Akshay Bhat, Ph.D at Cornell UniversityNo 26
OpenNMT: Open-Source Neural Machine Translation in Torch [1490 stars on Github].No 27
Pix2pixHD: Synthesizing and manipulating 2048x1024 images with conditional GANs [1283 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ming-Yu Liu at AI Research Scientist at NvidiaNo 28
Horovod: Distributed training framework for TensorFlow. [1188 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Uber EngineeringNo 29
AI-Blocks: A powerful and intuitive WYSIWYG interface that allows anyone to create Machine Learning models [899 stars on Github].No 30
Deep neural networks for voice conversion (voice style transfer) in Tensorflow [845 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Dabi Ahn, AI Research at Kakao BrainVisto en: