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  • More prominence for users Dataprix

    Ranking de Empresas en Dataprix


    We want to give more importance to our users, and better distinguish the personal profiles of the corporate community, in order to enhance each in his way.

    When someone registers Dataprix, by default you get a personal profile that has its own blog, and you can open topics in the forum, comment on any content, update status, subscribe to content or communicate with others in the comunity , among other things.

    If it is a company that wants to share content more corporate types, such as press releases, product information, success stories, events, etc. us has to seek and attach to your user profile so you can now also publish such content.

    The novelty is that we have split this ranking in two ..



  • Un BI Beers d'allò més interesant

     BI Beers 07-2010Ahir vam celebrar un nou BI Beers a Barcelona, i vam batre rècord d'assistència. Si no vaig explicar malament vam anar 12, més una noia que es va unir a nosaltres durant 15 minuts, fins que es va adonar que parlàvem de coses molt rares, i s'havia equivocat de grup.
    Com sempre, la conversa va ser molt distesa, i vam poder intercanviar diferents punts vista sobre temes de BI. Frederic i Catalina van venir acompanyats per més companys de SAP,que van compartir...


  • Knowledge Management Issues

    Knowledge Management IssuesI take this blog entry to retrieve the answers to three questions I posed Edgar Cateriano to participate as an expert in one article on Knowledge Management in the journal that published CLADEA . The participation was very low end, and I think are worth sharing the thoughts that arose from these questions...

  • Problemi di Knowledge Management

    Problemi di Knowledge ManagementPrendo questo blog per recuperare le risposte a tre domande che ho posto Edgar Cateriano a partecipare in qualità di esperto in un articolo sul Knowledge Management nella rivista che ha pubblicato Cladea . La partecipazione è stata molto bassa fine, e penso che vale la pena condividere i pensieri che è nata da queste domande...




  • Qüestions sobre Gestió del Coneixement

    Qüestions sobre Gestió del ConeixementAprofito aquesta entrada de bloc per recuperar les respostes a les tres qüestions que em plantejava Edgar Cateriano per participar com a expert en un article sobre Gestió del Coneixement que va publicar a la revista Cladea. La participació va quedar finalment molt reduïda, i crec que val la pena compartir les reflexions que van sorgir arran d'aquestes preguntes...