Noticias y recursos sobre IT Trends

An on-demand app is a mobile and/or web app that allows customers to reach your services the shortest possible way. The app should satisfy a specific need, such as delivering fresh food at home or driving from point A to point B. As an example of services that a business can provide via on-demand applications, you can think of any daily routine task that a business can take care of.
Progressive web app is a browser-based application, which looks and works like a native app. In a browser PWA looks like a website, but interacts with a user like a traditional application. It is useful for business due to the following reasons:  User Retention Rate Audience Reach Conversion Rate Increase Development and Maintenance Cost SEO-friendliness
Let’s consider some tips that may become useful for any company that one day will desire to benefit by entering the fascinating and promising world of IoT:  Don’t Try to Bite Off More Than You Can Chew Determine What Goals IoT Will Help You Achieve Consider IoT Devices as One of Your Most Valuable Assets Remember That It’s All About Data There’s No Such Thing As Too Much Testing
User experience (UX) design is a process whose primary goal is to ensure that people who’ll use your product will have a pleasant feeling after working with it. Despite the constant changes in the ways of our interaction with software, some principles of providing users with a good user experience stay the same for many years. Please read the article Delivering Perfection to People You Know Nothing about. Eight UX Design Principles for more details.
Common risks of using an outdated software:  Constant Crashes and Downtime of the System Increased Maintenance Costs Outdated Software Slows Down Your Employees Your Business Secrets Are No Longer Yours Increased Risks of Non-compliance with Legal and Regulatory Standards
When we talk about technical or administrative expertise specific to a particular field of application, we usually mean so-called hard skills. On the other hand, soft skills is a term that describes a person’s ability to interact and collaborate with other people, accept their opinions, adapt to new conditions of work, and resolve conflicts with colleagues. Please read the full article When “Softer” Means “Stronger”.
Custom software is a better choice in comparison with an off-the-shelf solution:  Because Developed Particularly for You Because It’s Fully Scalable and Flexible Because of the Higher Security Because You Can Select the Development Environment Because there Is a Wide Selection of Companies Offering Custom Software Development Services
Technical debt is the outcome of implementation of the simplified and short-term solutions in development, which lead to constantly increasing expenses and time required for the following fine-tuning, code rewriting or existing product maintenance. The main types:  Deliberate Technical Debt  Obsolete Project Architecture Cumulative Technical Debt
There are five main business analysis techniques BA specialists apply:  MOST (Mission, Objective, Strategy, and Tactics) PESTLE (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental) SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) Business Process Modelling (BPM) Use Case Modelling