
Tableau Public

Galería de Tableau Public

Tableau Public is a Tableau initiative that allows you to use a free version of​​​​​​​ Tableau Desktop to create visualisations that can then be uploaded to a personal cloud space (the Tableau Cloud) and shared with anyone with internet access. The Tableau Public website thus creates a community of authors of visualisations that are displayed in the website's gallery...

Infor BI

Suite Infor BI - Cuadro de mando

Infor BI is Infor's Business Intelligence platform. The suite operates independently of Infor ERP, similar to SAP's ERP and BI Business Objects, but ERP customers have the advantage of being able to access pre-built models using Infor ERP as a data source...

Jedox suite

Jedox BI CM

The Jedox BI and CPM platform works on an in-memory OLAP database to create multidimensional read and write cubes to support Jedox's reporting and planning tools...


Dashboard Design MicroStrategy for TabletMicroStrategy is a Business Intelligence platform from the independent vendor of the same name that has been deployed in large enterprises for more than 25 years and is consistently ranked among the BI leaders in the market...

Qlik Sense Enterprise

Qlik Sense DesktopQlik Sense Enterprise is a visual application analytics platform and dashboard for guided analytics, embedded analytics and reporting. Qlik Sense Enterprise enables standalone visualisation for analysts and business users.

The platform creates a governed framework that ensures secure data access and facilitates scalability...

TIBCO Spotfire

Pantalla de gráficos de TIBCO Spotfire Desktop

TIBCO Spotfire is TIBCO's self-service BI and data discovery solution. Spotfire is designed to allow the business user to obtain data and create their own reports and analytical processes independently of the IT department...

IBM Cognos Analytics

IBM Cognos Analytics

IBM Cognos Analytics is IBM's self-service analytics tool, which allows the business user to create their own departmental and enterprise reports and dashboards in a guided way, from a web environment, and to share them also over the web...

SAP BusinessObjects BI

SAP Business Objects BISAP BusinessObjects BI is SAP's Business Intelligence suite. At the core of this comprehensive platform is a metadata-driven Business Intelligence environment based on relational models (ROLAP approach), the 'Universes' of BO.

These are the main tools that make up the SAP BI suite...

SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics is a business analytics solution that allows all data to be explored visually with an easy-to-use interface accessible to users of all levels, without the need for statistical, technical or design skills.

Visual Analytics within the I.B. solutions available on the market is positioned within the analytical visualisation solutions. In this group we have solutions such as Qlikview, Tableau, Tibco Spotfire and others. In summary, the proposal of this type of solutions is as follows:..