Don't you have a chop with useful queries to use in your daily adventures and desventures with the database?
I include in this first post a list of queries, most of them over Oracle metadata dictionary, and extracted from the site
I encourage everyone that has his own useful queries or scripts to share it answering to this post. The objective is to create a little online repository that we could consult when we are working with the database.
•• Oracle SQL query over the view that shows database state: select * from v$instance
•• Oracle SQL query that shows if database is opened select status from v$instance
•• Oracle SQL query over the view that show Oracle database general parameters select * from v$system_parameter
•• Oracle SQL query to know Oracle version select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'compatible'
•• Oracle SQL query to know the path and name of spfile select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'spfile'
•• Oracle SQL query to know the localization and number of control files select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'control_files'
•• Oracle SQL query to show the database name. select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'db_name'
•• Oracle SQL query over the view that shows actual Oracle conections. •• To use it the user need administrator osuser, username, machine, program from v$session order by osuser
•• Oracle SQL query that show the opened conections group by the program that opens the connection. select program Aplicacion, count(program) Numero_Sesiones from v$session group by program order by Numero_Sesiones desc
•• Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users connected and the sessions number for user select username Usuario_Oracle, count(username) Numero_Sesiones from v$session group by username order by Numero_Sesiones desc
•• Objects owners number of objects for owner select owner, count(owner) Numero from dba_objects group by owner order by Numero desc
•• Oracle SQL query over the data Dictionary (includes all views and tables of the database) select * from dictionary
•• Oracle SQL query that shows definition data from a specific table •• (in this case, all tables with string "XXX") select * from ALL_ALL_TABLES where upper(table_name) like '%XXX%'
•• Oracle SQL query to know tables from actual user select * from user_tables
•• Oracle SQL query to know all the objects of the connected user select * from user_catalog
•• Oracle SQL query for Oracle DBA that shows tablespaces, disk used, free space and datafiles: SELECT t.tablespace_name "Tablespace", t.status "Estado", ROUND(MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024,2) "MB Tamaño", ROUND((MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024) - (SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024),2) "MB Usados", ROUND(SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024,2) "MB Libres", t.pct_increase "% incremento", SUBSTR(d.file_name,1,80) "Fichero de datos"FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE f, DBA_DATA_FILES d, DBA_TABLESPACES tWHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name AND f.tablespace_name(+) = d.tablespace_name AND f.file_id(+) = d.file_id GROUP BY t.tablespace_name, d.file_name, t.pct_increase, t.status ORDER BY 1,3 DESC
•• Oracle SQL query to know Oracle products installed and version number. select * from product_component_version
•• Oracle SQL query to know roles and roles privileges select * from role_sys_privs
•• Oracle SQL query to know integrity rules select constraint_name, column_name from sys.all_cons_columns
•• Oracle SQL query to know tables owned by a user, in this case "xxx":SELECT table_owner, table_name from sys.all_synonyms where table_owner like 'xxx'
•• Oracle SQL query for the same as last query SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER LIKE 'HR' •• Oracle parameters, actual value and its description. SELECT, v.value value, decode(ISSYS_MODIFIABLE, 'DEFERRED', 'TRUE', 'FALSE') ISSYS_MODIFIABLE, decode(v.isDefault, 'TRUE', 'YES', 'FALSE', 'NO') "DEFAULT", DECODE(ISSES_MODIFIABLE, 'IMMEDIATE', 'YES','FALSE', 'NO', 'DEFERRED', 'NO', 'YES') SES_MODIFIABLE, DECODE(ISSYS_MODIFIABLE, 'IMMEDIATE', 'YES', 'FALSE', 'NO', 'DEFERRED', 'YES','YES') SYS_MODIFIABLE , v.description FROM V$PARAMETER v WHERE name not like 'nls%' ORDER BY 1
•• Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users and his data Select * FROM dba_users
•• Oracle SQL query to know tablespaces and its owner: select owner, decode(partition_name, null, segment_name, segment_name || ':' || partition_name) name, segment_type, tablespace_name,bytes,initial_extent, next_extent, PCT_INCREASE, extents, max_extents from dba_segments Where 1=1 And extents > 1 order by 9 desc, 3
•• Last SQL queries executed on Oracle and user: select distinct vs.sql_text, vs.sharable_mem, vs.persistent_mem, vs.runtime_mem, vs.sorts, vs.executions, vs.parse_calls, vs.module, vs.buffer_gets, vs.disk_reads, vs.version_count, vs.users_opening, vs.loads, to_char(to_date(vs.first_load_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS'),'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') first_load_time, rawtohex(vs.address) address, vs.hash_value hash_value , rows_processed , vs.command_type, vs.parsing_user_id , OPTIMIZER_MODE , au.USERNAME parseuser from v$sqlarea vs , all_users au where (parsing_user_id != 0) AND (au.user_id(+)=vs.parsing_user_id) and (executions >= 1) order by buffer_gets/executions desc
•• Oracle SQL query to know all the tablespaces: select * from V$TABLESPACE
•• Oracle SQL query to know free and used Shared_Pool select name,to_number(value) bytes from v$parameter where name ='shared_pool_size' union all select name,bytes from v$sgastat where pool = 'shared pool' and name = 'free memory' Cursores abiertos por usuario select b.sid, a.username, b.value Cursores_Abiertos from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c where in ('opened cursors current') and b.statistic# = c.statistic# and a.sid = b.sid and a.username is not null and b.value >0 order by 3
•• Oracle SQL query to know cache hits (it must be more than 1%) select sum(pins) Ejecuciones, sum(reloads) Fallos_cache, trunc(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100,2) Porcentaje_aciertos from v$librarycache where namespace in ('TABLE/PROCEDURE','SQL AREA','BODY','TRIGGER');
•• Complete SQL queries executed with a specific text in SQL sentence. SELECT c.sid, d.piece, c.serial#, c.username, d.sql_text FROM v$session c, v$sqltext d WHERE c.sql_hash_value = d.hash_value and upper(d.sql_text) like '%WHERE CAMPO LIKE%' ORDER BY c.sid, d.piece
•• A SQL query (filtered by sid) SELECT c.sid, d.piece, c.serial#, c.username, d.sql_text FROM v$session c, v$sqltext d WHERE c.sql_hash_value = d.hash_value and sid = 105 ORDER BY c.sid, d.piece
•• Oracle SQL query to know the database size select sum(BYTES)/1024/1024 MB from DBA_EXTENTS
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of the database data files select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 MB from dba_data_files
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of a concrete table excluding the indexes select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 MB from user_segments where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name='TABLENAME'
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of a concrete table including the indexes select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Table_Allocation_MB from user_segments where segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX') and (segment_name='TABLENAME'or segment_name in (select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='TABLENAME'))
•• Oracle SQL query to know the memory used by a column in a table select sum(vsize('COLUMNNAME'))/1024/1024 MB from 'TABLENAME'
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate memory used by a user SELECT owner, SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_EXTENTS group by owner
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate size from the diferent segments •• (tables, indexes, undo, rollback, cluster, ...) SELECT SEGMENT_TYPE, SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_EXTENTS group by SEGMENT_TYPE
•• Oracle SQL query to obtain all the Oracle functions: NVL, ABS, LTRIM, ... SELECT distinct object_name FROM all_arguments WHERE package_name = 'STANDARD' order by object_name
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of all the database objects, ordering from more to less SELECT SEGMENT_NAME, SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_EXTENTS group by SEGMENT_NAME order by 2 desc
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