Recopilación scripts y consultas útiles de Oracle

Useful Oracle SQL queries and scripts Carlos Tue, 05/20/2008 - 00:06

Don't you have a chop with useful queries to use in your daily adventures and desventures with the database?

I include in this first post a list of queries, most of them over Oracle metadata dictionary, and extracted from the site

I encourage everyone that has his own useful queries or scripts to share it answering to this post. The objective is to create a little online repository that we could consult when we are working with the database.

•• Oracle SQL query over the view that shows database state:
select * from v$instance
•• Oracle SQL query that shows if database is opened
select status from v$instance
•• Oracle SQL query over the view that show Oracle database general parameters
select * from v$system_parameter
•• Oracle SQL query to know Oracle version
select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'compatible'
•• Oracle SQL query to know the path and name of spfile
select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'spfile'
•• Oracle SQL query to know the localization and number of control files
select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'control_files'
•• Oracle SQL query to show the database name.
select value from v$system_parameter where name = 'db_name'
•• Oracle SQL query over the view that shows actual Oracle conections. 
•• To use it the user need administrator osuser, username, machine, program
from v$session
order by osuser
•• Oracle SQL query that show the opened conections group by the program that opens the connection.
select program Aplicacion, count(program) Numero_Sesiones
from v$session
group by program
order by Numero_Sesiones desc
•• Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users connected and the sessions number for user
select username Usuario_Oracle, count(username) Numero_Sesiones
from v$session
group by username
order by Numero_Sesiones desc
•• Objects owners number of objects for owner
select owner, count(owner) Numero
from dba_objects
group by owner
order by Numero desc
•• Oracle SQL query over the data Dictionary (includes all views and tables of the database)
select * from dictionary
•• Oracle SQL query that shows definition data from a specific table 
•• (in this case, all tables with string "XXX")
select * from ALL_ALL_TABLES where upper(table_name) like '%XXX%'
•• Oracle SQL query to know tables from actual user
select * from user_tables
•• Oracle SQL query to know all the objects of the connected user
select * from user_catalog
•• Oracle SQL query for Oracle DBA that shows tablespaces, disk used, free space and datafiles:
SELECT t.tablespace_name "Tablespace", t.status "Estado",       ROUND(MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024,2) "MB Tamaño",       ROUND((MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024) -       (SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024),2) "MB Usados",       ROUND(SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024,2) "MB Libres",       t.pct_increase "% incremento",       SUBSTR(d.file_name,1,80) "Fichero de datos"FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE f, DBA_DATA_FILES d, DBA_TABLESPACES tWHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name AND      f.tablespace_name(+) = d.tablespace_name      AND f.file_id(+) = d.file_id GROUP BY t.tablespace_name,      d.file_name, t.pct_increase, t.status ORDER BY 1,3 DESC
•• Oracle SQL query to know Oracle products installed and version number.
select * from product_component_version
•• Oracle SQL query to know roles and roles privileges
select * from role_sys_privs
•• Oracle SQL query to know integrity rules
select constraint_name, column_name from sys.all_cons_columns
•• Oracle SQL query to know tables owned by a user, in this case "xxx":SELECT table_owner, table_name from sys.all_synonyms where table_owner like 'xxx'
•• Oracle SQL query for the same as last query

•• Oracle parameters, actual value and its description.
SELECT, v.value value, decode(ISSYS_MODIFIABLE, 'DEFERRED',
'TRUE', 'FALSE') ISSYS_MODIFIABLE, decode(v.isDefault, 'TRUE', 'YES',
'DEFERRED', 'YES','YES') SYS_MODIFIABLE , v.description
WHERE name not like 'nls%' ORDER BY 1
•• Oracle SQL query that shows Oracle users and his data
Select * FROM dba_users
•• Oracle SQL query to know tablespaces and its owner:
select owner, decode(partition_name, null, segment_name,
segment_name || ':' || partition_name) name,
segment_type, tablespace_name,bytes,initial_extent,
next_extent, PCT_INCREASE, extents, max_extents
from dba_segments
Where 1=1 And extents > 1 order by 9 desc, 3
•• Last SQL queries executed on Oracle and user:
select distinct vs.sql_text, vs.sharable_mem,
vs.persistent_mem, vs.runtime_mem, vs.sorts,
vs.executions, vs.parse_calls, vs.module,
vs.buffer_gets, vs.disk_reads, vs.version_count,
vs.users_opening, vs.loads,
'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS'),'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') first_load_time,
rawtohex(vs.address) address, vs.hash_value hash_value ,
rows_processed , vs.command_type, vs.parsing_user_id ,
from v$sqlarea vs , all_users au
where (parsing_user_id != 0) AND
and (executions >= 1) order by buffer_gets/executions desc
•• Oracle SQL query to know all the tablespaces:
select * from V$TABLESPACE
•• Oracle SQL query to know free and used Shared_Pool
select name,to_number(value) bytes
from v$parameter where name ='shared_pool_size'
union all
select name,bytes
from v$sgastat where pool = 'shared pool' and name = 'free memory'
Cursores abiertos por usuario
select b.sid, a.username, b.value Cursores_Abiertos
from v$session a,
v$sesstat b,
v$statname c
where in ('opened cursors current')
and b.statistic# = c.statistic#
and a.sid = b.sid
and a.username is not null
and b.value >0
order by 3
•• Oracle SQL query to know cache hits (it must be more than 1%)
select sum(pins) Ejecuciones, sum(reloads) Fallos_cache,
trunc(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100,2) Porcentaje_aciertos
from v$librarycache
where namespace in ('TABLE/PROCEDURE','SQL AREA','BODY','TRIGGER');
•• Complete SQL queries executed with a specific text in SQL sentence.
SELECT c.sid, d.piece, c.serial#, c.username, d.sql_text
FROM v$session c, v$sqltext d
WHERE c.sql_hash_value = d.hash_value
and upper(d.sql_text) like '%WHERE CAMPO LIKE%'
ORDER BY c.sid, d.piece 
•• A SQL query (filtered by sid)
SELECT c.sid, d.piece, c.serial#, c.username, d.sql_text
FROM v$session c, v$sqltext d
WHERE c.sql_hash_value = d.hash_value
and sid = 105
ORDER BY c.sid, d.piece
•• Oracle SQL query to know the database size
select sum(BYTES)/1024/1024 MB from DBA_EXTENTS
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of the database data files
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 MB from dba_data_files
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of a concrete table excluding the indexes
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 MB from user_segments
where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name='TABLENAME'
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of a concrete table including the indexes
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Table_Allocation_MB from user_segments
where segment_type in ('TABLE','INDEX') and
(segment_name='TABLENAME'or segment_name in
(select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='TABLENAME'))
•• Oracle SQL query to know the memory used by a column in a table
select sum(vsize('COLUMNNAME'))/1024/1024 MB from 'TABLENAME'
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate memory used by a user
group by owner
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate size from the diferent segments 
•• (tables, indexes, undo, rollback, cluster, ...)
•• Oracle SQL query to obtain all the Oracle functions: NVL, ABS, LTRIM, ...
SELECT distinct object_name
FROM all_arguments
WHERE package_name = 'STANDARD'
order by object_name
•• Oracle SQL query to calculate the size of all the database objects, ordering from more to less
order by 2 desc