Nota de prensa

MicroStrategy announced an array of planned new products and technology enhancements at its 14th annual user conference, MicroStrategy World 2011, in Las Vegas.

Nota de prensa

IBM announced that eight universities are collaborating with IBM Researchers to advance the Question Answering (QA) technology behind the "Watson" computing system, which will compete against humans on the quiz show, Jeopardy!, airing February 14-16.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Texas at Austin, University of Southern California (USC), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), University at Albany (UAlbany), University of Trento (Italy), and University of Massachusetts Amherst join Carnegie Mellon University in working with IBM on the development of a first-of-its-kind open architecture that enables researchers to efficiently collaborate on underlying QA capabilities and then apply them to IBM’s Watson system..

Nota de prensa

Barcelona, February 7th. 2011 – Marcelo Arnone has assumed the position of Channel Vice President at Quiterian; company responsible for developing Dynamic Data Web, the 2.0 BI platform based on Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques.

Nota de prensa
Quiterian and its BI platform DDWeb appear in the ‘Magic Quadrant Customer Survey research notes’, inside the ‘Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms’ report, for “having made Data Mining and Statistical Analysis of large-scale data user-friendly and accessible to all business users”    

The Underground PHP and Oracle ManualThis PDF book is for PHP developers that want to implement aplications over an Oracle database. It bridges the gap between the many PHP and Oracle books available and shows how to use the PHP scripting language with Oracle Database. It explains how to install the environment, how to use it and how to obtain the best performance building web aplications with PHP and Oracle databases...


It is between five and fifteen times more expensive to gain new customers than to retain the current ones.

Knowing soon which customers will abandon the company or will reduce the consumption of its products or services is crucial in order to increase the degree of retention, to build a solid CRM strategy and to save costs from prospects and acquisitions.

Join us next February the 15th at 16:30pm and see, through Víctor Muakuku, Senior Consultant at Quiterian, how to:

Nota de prensa

Barcelona, January 26, 2011 - Shortly, Dynamic Data Web will be available as a service (SaaS) on the Cloud (Cloud Computing). Available for any company immediately, with total flexibility in its hiring, changing from fixed costs or investments to variable costs, paying depending only on consumption and bringing the maximum security to data.

Info Software o servicios IT

Dynamic Data Web is a 2.0 Business Intelligence platform, developed by Quiterian and based on Data Mining and Predictive Analysis techniques.

DDWeb is aimed to business users who manage big volumes of data.


With DDWeb, companies can:

  • Get more value from data sooner
  • Anticipate to the future in order to react earlier
  • Empower users while reducing IT’s costs


What is new at DDWeb 2.2?

Quiterian has launched into the market version 2.2 of DDWeb, which includes the following novelties:

Nota de prensa

More than half of midsize companies are planning to increase their information technology (IT) budgets over the next 12 to 18 months, according to an IBM global study of more than 2,000 midsize companies representing more than 20 countries. As a result, these companies are investing in a wide range of priorities including analytics, cloud computing, collaboration, mobility and customer relationship solutions..