Help in the definition of KPI's. Library use.

One of the key phases in any Business Intelligence project and in particular the definition of Dashboard is the identification of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These metrics that quantify objectives are closely linked to business processes that measure, but there are standard libraries that proposed KPI's and that can help us to define it better. 


One of them is:


This library classifies KPI's by sector and business process. Logically, it is necessary to land and adapt to specific business process and performance targets to be achieved at estrategical level, but can be of great help and give ideas to propose indicators derived from those proposed.




Within the area of ​​human resources and in particular the formation processes, proposes more than 30 KPIs, as shown:


      Average number of training hours per employee

      Average costs per employee training

      Percentage of on-line courses

      Percentage of budget dedicated HR to training

Results of the last Forrester Wave about Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms

In his blog Boris Evelson explains the more relevant results of the las Forrester Wave about Enterprise Business Intelligence Platforms.

These are the last movements, extracted from it:

  1. IBM Cognos, SAP BusinessObjects, Oracle, and SAS continue to lead the pack.
  2. Information Builders, Microsoft, and MicroStrategy move into the Leaders category.
  3. TIBCO Spotfire and Actuate maintain their Strong Performer status.
  4. QlikTech and Panorama Software move into the Strong Performer category.


On Tuesday we celebrated another successful BI Beers

On Tuesday we celebrated another successful BI BeersOn Tuesday we had the promised post-holiday BI Beers and, as on previous occasions, in a relaxed atmosphere, left very interesting topics of conversation.

On this occasion we could not overcome the previous record, but 10 people attended, which is not bad. Again many of those who attended the last, which means that like it. In the usual were Xavier y Mara, Enric, Pau, David, Juanjo, and Jorge Fernández,who was finally able to re-animate combined event. The new additions were Antonio Valle, of Gobierno TIC and Jordi Rodriguez, which I also repeated in the next. We failed to Fabian Isabel, who had promised to come to ask about BI...


Spanish Business Intelligence

There are three Spanish suppliers of business intelligence software. I am referring to Apesoft, Litebi And Bingo Intelligence.
Interestingly, the products of these three BI vendors are very different. Apesoft software is essentially a report generator in Excel, with some additional features that facilitate the automation and distribution of these reports. Litebi solution provides software as a service, ie, data and applications are on their servers, and clients access via a simple yet powerful web interface. And finally, Bingo Intelligence platform that offers a smart client to access corporate information in a very visual ...


Which brings Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

Last week I attended a Web Seminar Oracle that presented the new features of Oracle Business Intelligence 11g.

The truth is that I was pleasantly surprised, because these improvements solved what I considered so far the main weaknesses of the Oracle BI Suites .

Most significant to me is the integration efforts made in the portal since it can use most of the tools of the suite, and thus reduce the feeling of working with different products. For instance, you can create operational BI Publisher reports from the same portal, and has created an integrated scorecarding tool that allows you to define KPI's, and 'react' with Agents and Actions, another pending issue of the suite. The part of administración system has also been integrated into Enterprise Manager.

Other improvements are those which have been introduced in the creation and display Dashboard, the possibility of using interactive maps, and above all the possibility of using also Answers MOLAP data sources such as Essbase cubes, which enables integration Hyperion, greatly improves the analytic reporting and enables dynamic navigation for multi-dimensional hierarchies, and other features in the reports.

LifeDashBoard 4 Team Prelytis SaaS solution, you can use without paying for their use.

Prelytis, the company recently surprised us by being the frist to adapt its Business Intelligence solution (or Dashboarding, more specifically) to Apple's iPad, also excels in the world of SaaS solutions with its proposal LifeDashBoard 4 Team, which is not is nothing but the cloud version of its software LifeDashBoard Dashboards.

It has the usual characteristics of SaaS software, and soon afte a user register and upload data from an Excel spreadsheet, for example, may have created an attractive dashboard. Collaborative options available, and also takes advantage of the features of mobile devices like the iPhone or IPAD.

But what makes this more special is that it's SaaS solution, but can be used without paying for its use, and without limitation in the number of users. A strong commitment by Prelytis, which seems to be really willing to put a dent in the world based BI innovative proposals.



Democratization of Business Intelligence


Some information systems have exceeded the boundaries of the department and his knowledge has spread to all areas of the company. As the technologies are becoming easier to use and accessible for all business casuistry, his knowledge extends and extends beyond the field of "understood" by the experts, to be known by every company profiles. Concepts such as CRM, ERP, etc., Not long ago in companies known only to the department and the department involved (Marketing and Sales for CRM, ERP Operations, Human Resources for the intranet, etc.).. Concepts today are managed and understood by anyone in the business world.

As for Business Intelligence, I believe that unfortunately is still preserve of experts and technologists. Today it is very common to find a business decision makers are unclear about the functions, spheres of influence, potential and business benefits of a Business Intelligence system. The BI is still known by a few, there has been democratized, it has jumped the hurdles of technology to be part of each and every one of the departments of companies. In my opinion there are several reasons for this.