Pentaho 2.0: Virtual Image

From Grupo eGlu, Dario Bernabeu and Mariano García Mattío, we have created a virtual machine (vmware) that contains a fully functional BI solution.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 8.10
  • BI Platform: Pentaho 2.0

This demo also has the following modules:

  • Pentaho Data Integration: Through this tool we have designed the transformations and jobs that extract, transform and load the data to populate the Data Warehouse. (Select option 'No catalog')
  • Mondrian Workbench: Through this tool we have created multidimensional schemes.
  • Pentaho Metadata Editor: Through this tool we've created the Business Model.
  • Design Studio: Through this tool we have developed the xactions.
  • Pentaho Report Design: Through this tool we have created an ad hoc report that requests input parameters.

These modules can be accessed through the taskbar side:

Information is the power, Business Intelligence on Corporate Governance


"The goal of Business Intelligence is to provide the information they need, when you need it and in a form appropriate to people who have to make decisions."

The aim of this paper is to support the Business Intelligence or BI should be, of all business software tools (including CRM, ERP, or BI himself), that is closest to the role of management, specifically the Executive Officer.

Since the computer revolution and the explosion of Internet, information is becoming more and more importance. Everything is or will soon be digitized, the amount of information available each year is multiplied and the activity of our business is computerized in most respects.

Studies tell us that the information maintained by companies is doubling every two years and that 80% of decisions are made with only 10% of the available information.

And all of this information is power! Is necessary, vital, to compete. 

Pentaho Solutions: Reviews


I finally finished reading the book Pentaho Solutions, who kindly have sent me Roland Bouman (co-author of the book) and Wiley.

On that occasion will realize different reviews from different points of view, as I did with Pentaho Reporting. Here are the reviews:


1) Overview :  It is a very easy book to read and handled very well the theoretical and practical.

As the concepts are giving more complex and heavy, is always accompanied with an example, graphic or exercise.

This book is really very useful and indispensable reading both for those who are just beginning to work with Pentaho, and for that we have some time.



SAP joins trend with a 2.0 product integrated with Google BPM Wave

SAP TechED presented in Vienna on Gravity product prototype, a BPM solution that works on the collaborative environment provided by Google Wave.

This product allows Business Process desing collaboratively, building communication facilities provided by the environment Google Wave. Obviously it works for web, and can also be used from mobile devices like an iPhone.

This video shows how to simulate a situation of merger of two companies in which they must redefine many business processess the highest level.





The first dashboard applications compatible with Apple iPad

As expected, the first BI tools adapted to the new iPad of Apple are appearing. Nothing like a dashboard application to exploit the Multitouch screen possibilities of this device.

Prelytis is the company that has developed Prelytis LiveDashBoard, the first Business Intelligence software compatible with the new Apple Tablet. This is a dashboarding tool, and 2.0 oriented, with collaborative features, and remarkable for their efforts in terms of adaptation to mobile devices.