Statistical Data Warehouse - European Central Bank

European Central Bank StatisticsI found very interesting the initiative of the European Central Bank, to provide a statistical service on-line in the so-called Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW).

This Data Warehouse is aimed at a broad spectrum of users (financial analysts, journalists, businesses, economists, researchers, etc. ..). Provides macroeconomic data on-line in the euro zone: inflation, exchange rates, labor costs, unemployment, productivity, public deficit, public debt, payments balance, international investment position, sociodemographic data, tax information, etc...

Learning NoSQL

The emergence of twitter, facebook, Groupon, amazon, etc ... is becoming increasingly popular new forms of large data storage and fast access to them. The terms NoSQL , Big Data , Hadoop ... are rapidly becoming popular.

Not long ago we talked about it:


- Comparison of NoSQL Databases ( Cassandra , MongoDB , CouchDB , Redis , Riak and HBase ) 
- Infographics, the potential for big data . 
- Pentaho also is accelerating much its integration with Big Data.


Today we give you some more detailed presentations, where we can research:  

Translation of terminology Oracle - DB2 LUW

With 9.7 DB2 LUW version, IBM makes a nod to all Oracle DBAs, much more numerous in the DB2 market.

For this reason, 9.7 version has introduced Oracle compatibility modes that let you perform tasks in DB2 with the ease and knowledge that all Oracle DBAs have. However, it is important to know the terminology's translation between Oracle and DB2 if you intend to get into the DB2 world.

In this first article, I relate a number of items from which this introduction is simple and can be read DB2 documentation easily, including general terminology, updates, utilities, and views.


Encrypted Tablespaces in Oracle 11g

Since the release 1 of Oracle 11g, Oracle provides the ability to encrypt tablespaces in full, to protect sensitive data inside and accessible from the OS. That is, the objective of this new functionality is not to protect sensitive data of users of the database, but to protect the information of the tablespace datafiles.


To explain the usefulness of this feature, it is best to explain situations in which our data without this functionality would be vulnerable. For example, in the case file of a physical backup of a database tablespace were to wrong hands, could see some data "clear" without problems. For example, a single edition of tablespace (or a simple "cat") containing the Employees table, we show clear varchar2 fields can extract sensitive data (you do not believe, try it!).

AWR Formatter

Anyone who usually look at AWR performance reports to analyze Oracle performance problems, often have their own reading process and approach to all data that shows this report, but I always missed a tool that make easier reading all data.


SQL08: Create a conditioned table using the data dictionary of SQL Server

Sometimes we need to check the existence of a table in a script or scheduled task to record error logs, first executions etc ... 

Let us take an example, a package of integration services that normally distribute or run there where we go and that leaves traces in a custom table that is not the default for loading logs. We could always include a performance task or sql script, run right or wrong, as the first to run on the package and then continue. Being purists this just is not quite careful

Open Data at Barcelona Web Congress

At the Web Congress in Barcelona, ​​I attended a workshop on Open Data in wich Martín Alvarez Espinar, W3C Spanish Office's head, and Jordi Graells i Costa, coordinator of content and innovation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, explained what is the international initiative Open Data, and how it is developed in concrete projects in some communities of Spain, as Asturias and Catalonia.

Oracle RAC One Node

In Oracle 11g release 2, Oracle introduced a new product Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node (Oracle RAC One Node)

This product is an Oracle RAC' s instance but executed in one single node. May be run on different physical servers, not only one (this is common) but a database instance is running only on the same node  simultaneously  (* but we'll see later that this is not completely true).