How to Twitter from a procedure in Oracle PL / SQL

API Calling Twitter from stored procedures PL / SQL can send status updates to a Twitter account. Apart from the funny thing it may be, can be a very effective method to warn us or our users of any event occurring in the database.

Twitter can easily convert an additional warning system for when we have problems in our Oracle database, or you simply want to learn or inform others automatically upon completion of certain processes, such as Enterprise Data Warehouse charges .

Twitteando desde un procedure de Oracle PL/SQL

Remember that Twitter accounts can be configured to be open to any user, or can be secured so that only users to access Twitter to be granted permission to 'follow'.

You can find the code and a detailed explanation on how to create a package for Twittering from PL / SQL in the Database Geek Blog , and updated source code in ORA_Tweet project has created the same Lewis Cunningham on Sourceforge.

Four questions to identify a developer with no knowledge of database

I leave here this link to a page where a small test posed to do in job interviews for database developers. Here this kind of test I do not think the style is much in a job interview, but more than one entry into the development department should evaluate its knowledge with a similar test. More than anything to avoid cracks, maximum connections, table layouts if primary keys, etc...


Installation of SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008

Installation of SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008I just finished an installation of SQL Server 2008 Express and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, and I had a few laps for a couple of points of the system that are not too intuitive. With this entry I hope to facilitate the job who is in the same situation later.
To begin with I thought that Management Studio already installed with the BD, and it does not. First you install the SQL Server engine, and then downloaded another package to install SQL Server Management Studio.
Installing SQL Server Express will not comment because I came up no problem worthy of note, and is well explained in many other places. I connect the Microsoft download page where the installation packages of SQL Server 2008 Express.


After installing the BD, download the installation package of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express, also available at the Microsoft website...


Mysql: Daily Checklist


en leave a small post on how to mount an automatic notification via mail that tells us what is the status of our database. For example we can manage it a bit before starting our work day and before we leave or while on vacation (jaja. ..). This example is about a MySQL 5.x running on Debian. Steps as follows...




MySql: Slow queries, queries to optimize control

In MySQL there is a parameter that enables logging of queries that take more than x seconds to execute calls Slow Queries. Basically what it does is put them in a log file and then check with mysqldumpslow. This mechanism may be useful to improve the overall performance of the database if we reduce the value of a progressive manner to the execution times of "leave" before declaring a query such as "slow" or slow query...


SQL08: affinity_mask, IO_affinity_mask and like riding two on a single server environments without being "walked"

We put ourselves in position
In our environment we may need to have two replicas of a / s data base distinct environments (the classic example would be production and test). In deciding as we do the most common questions we must ask ourselves are:

- Is this new environment will be temporary? Does large data bases in terms of volume and / or load to be borne is high (even test)?
- Is there version SqlServer2008 development? That alone is at hand if you have an MSDN subscription ...
- Is there an extra server?

Based on these questions and all that it can happen one can opt for different solutions:
"The easiest and if the database to bear the burden are small we can use the same server for all databases (created on the same server with different names (_test) and Holy Easter ...). In order not to disturb each other we can use Resource Governor.
"The most" aseptic "if resources permit and where it would be worthwhile to mount on different servers (if we have the development version)
"Another option is a mixture of the above. Fit the two environments on the same server but different instances.
-Etc ...

1 server cpu n (n> 1) + 2 = 2 instances environments

Improve MySQL performance by adjusting some parameters

MySQL, like most database managers, can easily modify the parameters that control memory sizes engaged in certain tasks, resource utilization, concurrency limits, etc.

Properly adjusting these parameters can be obtained many performance improvements, especially if the server / s of the database is not about resources, and if the SQL optimization can not be improved more.

I've recently made some basic settings in a MySQL database, so I take this opportunity to explain some of the process I followed for those who seek an easy way to make a first optimization of parameters in the database. This is not to say that this is the best way to do just that to me has worked out well;)

The first comment that can be very helpful to look in phpMyAdmin to the sections 'Show information about MySQL runtime' and 'Show MySQL system variables', normally accessible from the home page of the application.

The first displays information and statistics collected and maintained the system since its beginning. Pay special attention to the values of variables that are displayed in red, and the advice provided to the right of these values.

Please refer to the variables used to determine the current values of the parameters that could later be modified to improve performance.