Tipus Títol Author Comments Last updated
Tema de debate Stepstream sara 1 11 months ago
Tema de debate TECNOCONFERENCE: CRM. Tendencias y Estado del Arte. Soluntic - Con… 2 6 years 5 months ago


  • Stepstream

    Foros IT

    System Integration in Complex System Landscapes

    Profound Know-How

    By using StepStream’s connections you will significantly improve your data availability, especially in complex system landscapes. It is here where StepStream has extensive expertise and is able to provide you with ready-to-use solutions. Furthermore we develop new software solutions for your system.

    In particular, the area involving financial data management relies on many complex and linked system landscapes and may even require access to external data providers. This is why StepStream has successfully implemented countless projects and system integrations in the financial sector in the past.