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  • DB2 Top 10 SQL por Tiempo de Ejecución

    Si quieres obtener el Top Ten de sentencias SELECT con mayor tiempo de ejecución en tu base de datos DB2:

            STMT_TEXT as TEXT
            WHERE upper(STMT_TEXT) like 'SELECT%'
            FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY"
  • Options db2 command line – Disable autocommit

    DB2 command line utility has different options. In this post we show how to disable the autocommit of DML statements that by default is active. In case you want to do some test, for example, simulating the use of locks could be helpful to disable this feature.

    Options from DB2 command line can be obtained with the following sentences:

  • DB2 with BLU Acceleration for SAP

    Every time it’s more common SAP environments running with DB2.

    Attached a video regarding the capabilities of DB2 with BLU Acceleration applied to SAP and all SAP notes to consider.

    Surprising comparative with SAP HANA, and as with less complexity and investment, you get more performance.

    Pay attention to the comparison with SAP HANA:

    Attached also the IBM Redbook Architecting and Deploying DB2 with BLU Acceleration.


  • DB2 con BLU Acceleration para SAP

    Cada vez conozco más entornos SAP corriendo con DB2.

    Este es un video muy interesante respecto a las capacidades de DB2 con BLU Acceleration aplicadas a SAP, así como las notas SAP a considerar.

    Sorprendente la comparativa con SAP HANA, y como con menor complejidad e inversión dicen obtener mayor rendimiento.


    Adjunto también presentación de la Tech Talk Use DB2 with BLU Acceleration for SAP, de la que destaco las sorprendentes conclusiones de esta comparación de BD2 BLU Acceleration con SAP HANA:

  • DB2 Write Suspend

    When doing a snapshot from a storage array, if the server contains a DB2 instance running, there is no certainty that the snapshot contains a consistent copy of the database.

    To launch a snapshot and ensure consistent copy in DB2 is possible to put the database at “write suspend”, that is, it overrides the disk access in write mode, and work in the buffer pool memory. Queries whether it will record but writes are performed only in memory.