Dataprix es un portal de referencia sobre software y servicios IT para la empresa. Nuestra comunidad está integrada por profesionales y empresas IT interesados en compartir y difundir conocimiento y recursos sobre software y servicios de Tecnologías de la Información para las empresas.

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17 years 8 months


  • AXIS Achieves Paper-less Business Environment with Oracle® Enterprise Content Management Suite

    AXIS, the fastest growing GSM and 3G operator in Indonesia, has successfully implemented the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite, achieving its goal of a paper-less business environment with an effective knowledge management platform for all of its employees.

    Using the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite, AXIS deployed a unified infrastructure for creation, management and distribution of its documents, files, Web content and digital assets. This helped to increase employee productivity, reduce redundant efforts and improve communication consistency.

    AXIS’ content management platform takes advantage of Oracle’s Enterprise Application Documents strategy to manage unstructured content and integrate it with multiple enterprise applications, enabling AXIS to streamline business processes and efficiently build content-rich business applications.

    This project was successfully carried out by Oracle partner, iForce Consulting Indonesia, a leading business technology consultancy company in Indonesia...

  • QlikTech lancia Laboratorio di QlikView




    QlikTech, il fornitore leader di software per business intelligence, ha annunciato oggi il lancio di QlikView Laboratorio, creato con la premessa che le soluzioni di business più innovative inizia con un'idea che può sembrare estranei al business, o essere impossibile raggiungere. Con l'esperienza come un perturbatore industria, cultura QlikTech si basa su fatti storici che dimostrano che troppo spesso trasforma le idee in innovazioni in grado di ridefinire un mercato.

  • QlikTech Llança el Laboratori de QlikView

    QlikTech, el proveïdor líder de programari de Business Intelligence, ha anunciat avui el llançament del Laboratori de QlikView, creat sota la premissa que les solucions de negoci més innovadores comencen amb una idea que pot semblar no tenir relació amb el negoci o ser impossible de aconseguir. Amb experiència com disruptor en la indústria, la cultura de QlikTech s'ha basat en fets històrics que demostren que les idees es converteixen sovint en innovacions que poden redefinir un mercat.


  • QlikTech Launches QlikView Labs

    Creativity Center Helps Transform Innovative Ideas into Solutions

    QlikTech, a leading provider of business intelligence software, today announced the launch of QlikView Labs on the premise that the most groundbreaking business solutions start with an idea that may seem unrelated or even unobtainable. With its history as a disruptor in the industry, QlikTech’s culture has been built on the proven track record that ideas often turn into innovations that can redefine a market...

  • Oracle Unveils Oracle® Enterprise Manager 11g

    Business-Driven IT Management Connects Technology, Business, and IT for Greater Business Value, IT Efficiency and Agility

    Delivering the industry’s most comprehensive business-driven IT management capabilities, Oracle® Enterprise Manager 11g helps maximize business agility and productivity through an integrated approach to IT management....

  • IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Only 53 Percent of Insurance CEOs Are Confidently Managing Complexity

    Only half of IBM's survey of Insurance CEOs believe their enterprises are adequately prepared to handle a highly volatile, increasingly complex business environment according to a new report by IBM. Sixty-eight percent expect the level of complexity to grow significantly over the next five years, but just 53 percent believe they know how to deal with it successfully. Eighty-two percent of Insurance CEOs cited increased government regulation as a major source of uncertainty in the new economic environment...