TOP software Business Intelligence




LANSA BI is a business intelligence tool that seamlessly integrates with IBM DB2 databases and is specially designed to provide analytics for IBM i/AS400 applications.
Its native integration with DB2 enables real-time data analysis and business intelligence report generation...

SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics is a business analytics solution that allows all data to be explored visually with an easy-to-use interface accessible to users of all levels, without the need for statistical, technical or design skills.

Visual Analytics within the I.B. solutions available on the market is positioned within the analytical visualisation solutions. In this group we have solutions such as Qlikview, Tableau, Tibco Spotfire and others. In summary, the proposal of this type of solutions is as follows:..

Tableau Public

Galería de Tableau Public

Tableau Public is a Tableau initiative that allows you to use a free version of​​​​​​​ Tableau Desktop to create visualisations that can then be uploaded to a personal cloud space (the Tableau Cloud) and shared with anyone with internet access. The Tableau Public website thus creates a community of authors of visualisations that are displayed in the website's gallery...

TIBCO Jaspersoft

Dashboard de rendimiento con TIBCO JaspersoftJaspersoft is the reporting platform for Business Intelligence acquired by TIBCO to complete its portfolio of BI and enterprise analytics solutions.

Jaspersoft is a Business Intelligence suite that is open-source at its core. The BI platform provides tools for creating a metadata layer on which detail, analytical, and dashboard reports can be created...

Jedox suite

Jedox BI CM

The Jedox BI and CPM platform works on an in-memory OLAP database to create multidimensional read and write cubes to support Jedox's reporting and planning tools...

Diver Platform

Cuadro de mando de Diver Platform, de Dimensional Insight

Diver Platform is Dimensional Insight's Business Intelligence suite.

The platform includes an ETL tool for data loading from different sources, and a tool for creating multidimensional data models on which operational, analytical, and dashboard reports can be built...

Tableau Server

Tableau Server y dispositivos móbiles

Tableau Server is Tableau's server software, which allows you to host reports and dashboards developed with Tableau Desktop, to access them from different computers and devices in your organisation, and to manage security by users and groups. Tableau Server allows you to embed reports into other applications such as Salesforce or Sharepoint...