How To Reduce Software Maintenance Cost - XB Software

Before discussing the means of cutting costs on software maintenance, let’s figure out the significant factors that influence these costs. We can distinguish adaptive, corrective, and perfective software maintenance activities according to the type of problem you want to solve. Please read the article How Not to Run out of Steam over a Long Distance. Decreasing Software Maintenance Cost for more information.

Importance of Front-End Development for Business Success - XB Software

Front-end development involves not just writing code. All the content, images, elements reflecting on a website is the responsibility of a developer building a client-facing part. It’s about writing a code which would interact with users properly, ensuring the seamless user experience. Please read the article Reasons Why Front-End Development is an Essential Component of Your Business Success for more information.  


The Importance of Code Reviews - XB Software

It may seem that code review is not rocket science, and you can’t achieve more than superficial code improvements by applying it. But despite the apparent simplicity of the code review process, it can bring multiple essential enhancements. 

Please read the article Two Heads Are Better than One. The Importance of Code Review to know more.

8 Myths about Software Development - XB Software

Any sphere sooner or later becomes an object for myths and rumors from those who have nothing to do with it. These legends cruise from one person to another and in the end take the shape of something global. Below are the most popular myths about the sphere of software development:

  • Myth #1: Software Development is Always Expensive

  • Myth #2: In-House Team is More Preferable than Outsourcing Team

  • Myth #3: The More Specialists in the Development Team – the Better

POC vs Prototype vs MVP — How to Choose - XB Software

MVP is the first version of the product which possesses only core functionality to reach the business goal.

POC can be determined as a small project created for testing the important hypotheses before the actual development process.

Prototype, in its turn, is defined as a working model of multiple aspects (unlike the POC approach, where only one function is implemented). Most frequently prototyping is used for demonstration of a particular part of the system and detecting any malfunctions.

Choosing a Technology Stack for Web Application Development - XB Software

Tech stack can be described as an array of technologies, programming languages, libraries, UI/UX solutions used by the team involved in web app development. Please read the article What is a Tech Stack and How to Choose the Right One for Web Application Development to gain some insights.

Benefits of an On-demand App for Your Business - XB Software

An on-demand app is a mobile and/or web app that allows customers to reach your services the shortest possible way. The app should satisfy a specific need, such as delivering fresh food at home or driving from point A to point B. As an example of services that a business can provide via on-demand applications, you can think of any daily routine task that a business can take care of.

Progressive Web Application for Business Development - XB Software

Progressive web app is a browser-based application, which looks and works like a native app. In a browser PWA looks like a website, but interacts with a user like a traditional application. It is useful for business due to the following reasons: 

  • User Retention Rate

  • Audience Reach

  • Conversion Rate Increase

  • Development and Maintenance Cost

  • SEO-friendliness

Eight UX Design Principles to Follow - XB Software

User experience (UX) design is a process whose primary goal is to ensure that people who’ll use your product will have a pleasant feeling after working with it. Despite the constant changes in the ways of our interaction with software, some principles of providing users with a good user experience stay the same for many years. Please read the article Delivering Perfection to People You Know Nothing about. Eight UX Design Principles for more details.