Suppose we want to update in our ORACLE database the costs fields of the fact table FAC_TABLE with the unit cost of our table COSTS.

We can do this in two ways:

1. (Slow, but valid for a few data or to sporadic uses)

update FAC_TABLE ft  set UNIT_COST = (select distinct UNIT_COST from COSTS ct  where (ft.id_article = ct.id_article);

2. (The best way is this, and the performance is ideal if you have constraints)

UPDATE ( SELECT ft.UNIT_COST AS old_cost,  ct.UNIT_COST AS new_cost FROM FAC_TABLE ft  INNER JOIN COSTS ct ON ft.id_article ct = ct.id_article) )  SET old_cost = new_cost;

To the proper functionality of this second option you need a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint on ct.id_articulo. 
If you don't have this constraint, you can use the hint / * + BYPASS_UJVC * / after the word UPDATE (Bypass update join view constraint).

The performance increase if we have the constraint but even without it, the second option should run quite faster than the first option.


Remote access using Oracle DBLINK

The easiest way to access from an Oracle database objects from another Oracle database is using a DBLINK (being the easiest does not mean that it is always the most desirable, the abuse of DBLINKS can create many problems, both of performance and safety)

To do this it's necessary a user with CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege, and create a DBLINK in the source database (A) by a simple statement such as:

Create database link LNK_from_A_to_B connect to USER identified by PASSWORD USING 'B'; 

'LNK_from_A_to_B' is the name of the link, 'USER' and 'PASSWORD' are the IDs of the user who will use the link to connect, which will inherit the permissions of all access through the link, and B is the name of the database's instance.

Using the DBLINK we can connect to the objects with the remote database's permissions that user has been provided in the creation statement.

To reference an object from the remote database should indicate the name of the object, concatenated with the character '@' and the name that we had given to the DBLINK.


select * from TABLA@LNK_from_A_to_B