Visualizing Big Data and the Connection to Responsive Design

Responsive imagesData visualization describes techniques and tools that help people understand the meaning of data by representing it in a visual context. It’s often easier to identify important trends, correlations, and patterns in data which is presented visually rather than in its native format. Data visualization is particularly helpful in a Big Data landscape, in which many enterprises try to derive insights from huge data sets, with information obtained from myriad sources, including social media, enterprise software, and web analytics.

Read on to find out how data visualization is linked to another extremely relevant aspect of technology—responsive web design and responsive images..

Review "Learning Hadoop "

Learning Hadoop 2 book

With almost 350 pages, 'Learning Hadoop 2', I was very pleasantly surprised!

This is a book that chapter by chapter, provides a guide with the appropriate depth in the apprenticeship of this technology, which is today one of the most flourishing. It has a lot of examples that we can execute and analyze..

Pentaho Makes Hadoop Faster, More Affordable and Easier to Use with EMC

Pentaho announced it is an initial technology leader supporting the EMC® Greenplum® distribution of Hadoop. In addition, Pentaho also now offers native adaptor support for Greenplum GPLoad (bulk loader), which enables Greenplum and Pentaho customers to leverage Pentaho’s data integration capabilities to capture, prep and quickly load massive amounts of data into Greenplum tools in a more manageable graphically designed way.