Scale Cloud Servers Resources automatically according to their current growth needs.

ECmanaged(link is external) provides you scaling groups to ease up your platform deployment and management. With it you can define your platform's configuration, so you do not need to go through the New Cloud Server wizard repeatedly. You can also configure automatic scaling of your platform.

Start Scaling(link is external)

To create a scaling group, you have to go to the Infrastructure > Scaling Groups and click on the New Scaling group button which will bring up the New Scaling Group wizard. In the first step of the wizard, you have to provide a name to the scaling group. You also choose the cloud provider, availability zone for the server, and the size of the server. When finished, click next.

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In the next step, as we are going to install LAMP, you should choose the Applicationtab and then category as Systems. After that, you have to select either LAMP systemor LAMP system (configurable) as shown in picture below. You also provide your preferable Operating System. When finished, click next.

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After that, you can choose different builders to deploy in your cloud server, being able to orchestrate scripts, configuration files, sources and recipes in different servers, choosing all the servers where you want to execute them. We have already selected the LAMP tool deployment. You are able to configure your server with thesebuilders(link is external). You can upgrade your Operating System and also deploy your website files using sources as shown below. When finished, click next.

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If you have selected LAMP systems (configurable), in the next step you have to provide configuration information about the deployment as illustrated:

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After that, you choose the Security Keys used for ssh access, Load Balancer and Notification profile. The ECmagent monitoring is enabled by default. With the Launch cloud server checkbox, you can control if you want to only create the scaling group or also launch the server. When finished, click Save or Save and Launch.

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If you choose to launch the server, the output is as illustrated:

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Once you finish configuring your scaling group, it will be listed on the Infrastructure > Scaling Groups. As shown below:

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Next step is to define your custom rules for auto scaling. You should click on your scaling group and then navigate to Autoscaler and click on the Add Autoscaler button as shown below.

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$50 credit(link is external)

You can define the number of minimum and maximum cloud servers for your scaling group cloud platform. Scaling group works on basis of votes generated by your triggers to scale up or down your platform. You can define the number of votes required for scaling up or down. The checkbox provides a option if you want to scale down the older cloud servers. It also allows you to define the cooldown or wait time after a scale up or down

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Some cloud providers have a minimum time price which will be charged if you instantiate a server. With the Save Money, you can configure your scaling group accordingly.

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Then you need to define your triggers. The first is the Capacity trigger, with which you can schedule the scaling up basis of usage of CPU, memory and disk. You can define different conditions for scaling up and down. You are able to scale immediately or cast a vote for scaling depending on your Target action. As, shown below:

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You can also configure Scheduled scaling by defining the weekdays and the hour when you want to scale up and down.

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Using the Date and Time, you can pre-define a date and time for scaling. With this you can be ready for scheduled traffic as for christmas.

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ECmanaged also supports triggers defined with webhook. As shown below:

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