IBM and WWF-Germany Partner to Develop AI Solution for Key Species Conservation

AI Solution Development

IBM and WWF-Germany are working together to create an advanced solution that uses AI-driven visual inspection to improve the tracking of African forest elephants. This technology employs camouflage cameras and visual recognition software to accurately identify elephants from images. The primary goal is to support the conservation of this species, which has experienced an alarming population decline of over 80% due to habitat loss and poaching.

The new solution also aims to assess the financial value of Nature's Contributions to People (NCP), such as carbon sequestration performed by these elephants. This approach not only helps preserve the species but also provides a means to value the ecosystem services they offer, contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly economy.

Impact on Conservation and Climate Change

The African forest elephant plays a crucial role in its forest habitats by increasing carbon storage, which significantly helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing this AI technology will enable better estimation of elephant populations and a more accurate understanding of the environmental benefits they provide.

Furthermore, IBM and WWF-Germany plan to use IBM Environmental Intelligence to analyze aerial biomass and vegetation levels in areas inhabited by elephants. This data will help predict their future movements and more precisely value the carbon services they provide.

Future Vision

The IBM-WWF collaboration not only focuses on the immediate protection of African forest elephants but also explores how emerging technologies can revolutionize conservation efforts. By utilizing AI to enhance conservation and value natural assets, this initiative has the potential to transform the conservation sector and offer new opportunities for sustainable investment.

IBM's commitment to sustainability, combined with WWF's conservation expertise, promises significant advances in species preservation and climate change mitigation. The partnership highlights how technology can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable future and protecting our planet.