Marketplace Business Model vs Aggregator Business Model

In recent years more and more people make purchases online, which is not only convenient, but also safe in current circumstances. There are two business models: a marketplace and an aggregator, via which we make online purchases. Each model has its particular features and advantages and disadvantages. They have some different specifics, such as:

Brand name. On a marketplace with its brand name goods are presented under various brand names.

Industry. Goods on a marketplace may belong to a variety of industries, when on an aggregator goods belong to the same one.

Price Range. Price range on a marketplace may vary significantly, when on an aggregator goods’ price level is approximately the same.

Quality Range. As with the previous point, quality range may vary on a marketplace, but on an aggregator goods of the same quality are presented.  

If you want to learn more about these two business models, please read Marketplace Business Model vs Aggregator Business Model.