10th Datacentres Europe & Inaugural Enterprise Cloud Forum

Grimaldi Forum Monaco

Datacrentre Europe 2014

Europe’s Premier IT Infrastructure Forum & Exhibition


Over the past ten years, DCE has evolved as a recognized beacon of high quality content offering thought leadership across Energy Cloud, Markets and Technologies, and has performed a critical role as an international networking and business opportunity for old and newcontacts alike. Its unique international character is unmatched. Now co-located with the Enterprise Cloud Forum, the event completes the unique eco-system for future IT Infrastructure and 2014 will sustain its edge for the most exciting speakers, experts and enterpriseinfrastructure leaders who will complement insights from world class organizations and join forces to present a powerful agenda dedicated to the transformative process that lies ahead towards energizing the cloudcentre.


The 2014 event – Energizing the Cloudcentre - begins with a new programme addition, the Enterprise Cloud Forum on 27 May which includes James Walker, President of the Cloud Ethernet Forum, speaking in the ‘Challenges Today’ session.

“DCE will sustain its edge for the most exciting speakers, experts and enterprise infrastructure leaders at Europe’s largest global infrastructure forum,” commented Philip Low, chairman of BroadGroup.


“The event in Monaco is focused on enterprises who we view as representing the management of around 70% of datacentres in Europe,” said Steve Wallage, managing director of BroadGroup Consulting. “A powerful programme will reflect the importance of enterprises with CIOs and infrastructure leaders from these organizations participating, to understand how they are managing the transformative process towards a flexible computing environment.”

As the evolution of Cloud increasingly demands a more customized approach from datacentres, the 2014 event fittingly looks ahead towards energizing the Cloudcentre.


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