Does Big Data Analytics Help Sales Development?

AnalyticsIn a world where organizations of all sizes gather vast quantities of data every single day, there is a real need to get insights from these huge data sets that drive better business decisions. After all, what is the point of collecting data from disparate sources if your business doesn’t get some benefit from all that information?

However, traditional database software cannot process and analyze such voluminous, complex data sets. This is, in essence, the problem that big data analytics solves, by providing powerful systems that can process and get insights from large data sets..

Quiterian Integrates Social Media Data Analysis into their Customer Analytics Solution

The European software developer will help organizations obtain predictive insights by easily integrating social media data with information from other sources  

Miami, Florida -- February 16, 2012. – Quiterian, the leading European developer of advanced and predictive analytics software for business and non-technical users announces that their “Customer Analytics” Solution providing consumer behavior knowledge now integrates data from social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) at record breaking speeds.

Quiterian Analytics, a self-service and agile platform that integrates data from multiple sources (social media, web, CRM, ERP, campaigns, emailing), is specially designed for non-expert users that want to make faster and better decisions based on consumer behavior knowledge. Through advanced and predictive analytics techniques, Quiterian identifies patterns and profiles of the most profitable customers, performs smart segmentations and executes automated marketing campaigns with customized offers, all with total independence from the IT department.   

IBM CMO STUDY: Digital Era Transforming CMO’s Agenda, Revealing Gap In Readiness


A new IBM study of more than 1,700 chief marketing officers from 64 countries and 19 industries reveals that the majority of the world’s top marketing executives recognize a critical and permanent shift occurring in the way they engage with their customers, but question whether their marketing organizations are prepared to manage the change.

At the same time, the research shows that the measures used to evaluate marketing are changing. Nearly two-thirds of CMOs think return on marketing investment will be the primary measure of the marketing function’s effectiveness by 2015. But even among the most successful enterprises, half of all CMOs feel insufficiently prepared to provide hard numbers.

And most of these executives – responsible for the integrated marketing of their organization’s products, services and brand reputations – say they lack significant influence in key areas such as product development, pricing and selection of sales channels.

The IBM study found that while 82 percent of CMOs say they plan to increase their use of social media over the next three to five years, only 26 percent are currently tracking blogs, 42 percent are tracking third party reviews and 48 percent are tracking consumer reviews to help shape their marketing strategies. 

Oracle Buys Fatwire Software

This Combination Creates the Most Comprehensive Web Experience Management Solution

Oracle today announced that it is has entered into an agreement to acquire FatWire Software (FatWire), a leading provider of web experience management solutions.

Web experience management enables organizations to build and deploy a targeted and interactive online presence that optimizes the interactions companies have with their customers.

Increasingly, more companies have come to rely on their web sites as the most important channel for communication, marketing, customer engagement and commerce.

FatWire’s proven solutions provide organizations with the ability to deliver relevant customer content, build community engagement and drive site stickiness and loyalty.