Nota de prensa

White Paper: 4 Essentials for Enabling Pattern-Based Strategies



Predictive analytics and business rules top the list of enabling technologies for detecting and acting on leading indicators of change

Download the Insights white paper: 4 Essentials for Enabling Pattern-Based Strategies

Nota de prensa


Gartner Ranks Top 10 Technologies

Information Management Online, October 26, 2009

Bill Kenealy

The strategic planning and investment decisions CIOs need to make was a primary focus this week at Gartner's Symposium ITxpo  2009 in Orlando.

Gartner Global Head of Research Peter Sondergaard told attendees many of the primary challenges were budgetary. "2010 is the year IT needs to demonstrate true line of sight to the business objectives for every investment decision."

Sondergaard said the impact of the financial crisis was evident in many IT decisions. For example, aging hardware is proliferating as cash-strapped companies push back server and PC replacement.

"Our equipment is getting older," he said. "This year, 1 million servers worldwide will have their replacement delayed. If replacement cycles do not change, almost 10% of server install based will be beyond scheduled replacement by 2011. That will impact enterprise risk."


Hands On, Workshop In Spain Dedicated To In-Depth Overview of the Pentaho BI Suite

Pentaho Corporation is organizing a hands on workshop in Spain dedicated to providing an in-depth overview of Pentaho's open source BI suite.

The program will be spread over five days and will address the key steps for implementing the Pentaho BI Suite:

  • Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Data Modeling  
  • The modules of the suite taught in the course are:

- Pentaho Data Integration
- Pentaho Metadata Editor
- Pentaho Report Designer
- Pentaho Analysis and
- Dashboard Designer

  • During this "lab intensive" class the students create an Analytic Data Structure using Pentaho Analysis, load it with data using Pentaho Data Integration, and create reports from it using the Pentaho Report Designer and the class ends with the creation of a Dashboard to display the reports and charts created during class

Who Should Attend?
    - System Administrators

    - System Integrators

    - Content Developers

    - Software Developers

Info Software o servicios IT

Financial Management Edition
December 2009

Caso de exito

Decrease process complexity

Dynamic processes can be overly complex with multiple paths and complex routing. Extracting the decision and putting it first creates a dynamic process—one driven by the specific customer, case or transaction—without increasing process complexity.

A European agency took this approach and found it had one simple, decision-intensive process, not the 30 processes it had expected.

Explicit decision handling also increases the rate of straight through processing (STP) and reduces the number of processes that wait while items are put on worklists or in queues. This marriage of explicit decisions and process management keeps transactions moving with only exceptions ending up on worklists. Staff can then focus on higher value activities.

An insurance company used advanced decisioning to handle the majority of underwriting decisions, freeing underwriters to work with agents to grow the business and reduced their combined ratio, a critical cost measure, by 8 points.

Increase agility and engagement


Data integration is central to deriving business value from the diverse sources and silos of data produced by the modern enterprise. Oracle Data Integration Suite, built around Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition, provides a comprehensive data integration platform that addresses the data integration requirements of Oracle database, middleware, and application customers, from high-volume, high-performance batches, to event-driven, trickle-feed integration processes, and SOA-enabled data services.

Find out more about Oracle Data Integration products at Oracle OpenWorld 2009. Attend conference sessions and panels for overviews, advanced best practices, and case studies by Oracle Data Integration product experts, and get some hands-on time with Oracle Data Integration products in hands-on labs. Or visit the Oracle Data Integration stations at the Oracle DEMOgrounds, where developers, product managers, and architects can lead you through product demonstrations and answer your questions about Oracle's current and future data integration offerings.








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