Nota de prensa

Delivers Industry’s Most Complete and Unified Business Process Management Solution

News Facts

To help customers lower costs, adapt to change and simplify business process management, Oracle today announced Oracle Business Process Management Suite 11g.

A component of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, Oracle Business Process Management Suite 11g is the industry’s most complete, open and integrated Business Process Management (BPM) solution.

Oracle Business Process Management Suite 11g supports all types of processes with a new unified process foundation, user-centric design and social BPM capabilities.

Oracle Business Process Management Suite 11g includes a native implementation of BPMN 2.0...



Software de Business  Intelligence Open Source

We have created this document with the purpose of comparing the variety of Open Source BI solutions and their Enterprise equivalent that are available at this moment on the market.

It features Pentaho, Jasper, Eclipse BIRT, Palo and SQL Power...


Join Pentaho and Stratebi to see how Agile BI enables business users to drive BI applications.

The time for change is now. After more than two decades, BI projects continue to fail because they do not meet the needs of business users. In a recent study of BI users, 100% of Pentaho users surveyed say they recommend Pentaho for new projects.  In this live seminar, learn from Pentaho and Stratebi why customers are so excited about Pentaho and see Pentaho’s new solution approach to BI application development that enables business users to actively participate and drive what is being developed for their BI projects.

Nota de prensa

Plus Relocation Services, Inc. and International Car Operators Realize ROI Upwards of 424 Percent With BI and Integration

Information Builders, the independent leader in operational business intelligence (BI) and integration solutions, today unveiled financial returns and future savings metrics on two recent customer implementations, Plus Relocation Services, Inc. (PLUS) and International Car Operators (ICO). As a result of each project, both PLUS and ICO have improved productivity, reduced costs, gained new customers, and more easily retained existing customers.

"One of the consistent success factors in each implementation is how the companies made data available to a wide number of users, not simply back-office analysts with BI capabilities," said Gerald Cohen, CEO and president of Information Builders. "When companies make BI part of their DNA, and in the case of PLUS, spread to external users, the implementation payback time is extremely quick. And as we've seen with ICO, the use of iWay helping workers become more productive and accurate in responding to customers creates up-selling and cross-selling opportunities...


Nota de prensa

World Football FanOnline and Mobile App Delivers Answers to Specific Soccer Questions and Comparisons in Just a Few Clicks


For those looking to prove their team is the ultimate soccer powerhouse, QlikTech, a software company known for visual, interactive data dashboards, has created a free application that allows fans unparalleled access to statistics about the upcoming international soccer tournament. With this new app, available online or through any mobile device, soccer enthusiasts can click through nearly 80 years of international tournament history to analyze historical facts and answer little-known trivia questions...



Nota de prensa

Addresses Business Need for Rapid, Flexible and Low-Cost BI Solutions

Pentaho Corporation, the open source business intelligence (BI) leader, today announced its secure, flexible On-Demand BI Suite Subscription that removes critical barriers to BI adoption by giving the customer complete control over how the solution is deployed and managed—by Pentaho, by the customer, or by both. In addition, Pentaho announced the availability of an on-demand evaluation environment, allowing enterprises to easily test drive the Pentaho BI Suite with their own data without requiring any of their own hardware and personnel assets. To launch the new service, Pentaho Services is offering the 72-Hour Challenge where businesses provide Pentaho with their own data and Pentaho will have a full evaluation project up and running within 72 hours including key performance indicators and relevant dashboards. The solution will then remain online for three weeks during which time the customer can fully explore and expand the solution at their convenience...


Nota de prensa

Information Builders, the independent leader in operationalbusiness intelligence ( BI) systems, today announced that Dealer Services Corporation (DSC), a national inventory financing company for independent automobile dealers, is usingWebFOCUS RStat predictive analytics to make better loan decisions.
As America's largest independent inventory finance provider for used automobiles and other diversified products sold by independent and franchise dealers, it's extremely important for DSC to monitor dealer transactions and payment patterns - mostly to avoid overextending credit. DSC needed a solution to forecast each dealer's future financing needs and ability to pay off loans based on past behavior.
"One of the biggest benefits of implementing WebFOCUS RStat was that DSC saw the automotive downturn coming well in advance, giving managers time to adjust financial reserves, tighten lending standards, and scrutinize each dealer's inventory - minimizing risk both to our company and our customers," said Chris Brady, CIO, Dealer Services. "DSC is more profitable today because we knew how much revenue we expected to generate. Now, if DSC sees factors that will cause trouble in six months, we can take action immediately."...

Nota de prensa


IBM today announced that Texas A&M University used IBM supercomputing technology to carry out potentially life-saving tuberculosis research at a rate more than four times faster than was previously possible.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that causes nearly two million deaths per year, with an estimated one-third of the human population carrying a latent infection (1).
The bacteria responsible for tuberculosis are mutating to form various drug-resistant strains. Texas A&M researchers are sequencing the DNA of the mutated strains so they can be tested against different drugs. In a race against time, researchers must try to find drugs that are effective before the strains mutate again. With IBM supercomputing technology, they can sequence the DNA of a specific strain in hours instead of days...


Nota de prensa

AXIS, the fastest growing GSM and 3G operator in Indonesia, has successfully implemented the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite, achieving its goal of a paper-less business environment with an effective knowledge management platform for all of its employees.

Using the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite, AXIS deployed a unified infrastructure for creation, management and distribution of its documents, files, Web content and digital assets. This helped to increase employee productivity, reduce redundant efforts and improve communication consistency.

AXIS’ content management platform takes advantage of Oracle’s Enterprise Application Documents strategy to manage unstructured content and integrate it with multiple enterprise applications, enabling AXIS to streamline business processes and efficiently build content-rich business applications.

This project was successfully carried out by Oracle partner, iForce Consulting Indonesia, a leading business technology consultancy company in Indonesia...