Cómo averiguar las palabras clave orgánicas y de pago que compartes con tu competencia

How to find organic and AdWords keywords that you share with your competition Carlos Mon, 03/02/2015 - 15:18

Who are my competitors in Google search results, organic and paid? What keywords we are competing with them? What is our position and what yours for each keyword? Do we have possibilities to position ourselves better than our competitors with the keywords you have in common?

These are some of the questions SEMrush helps us respond by combining information from the main report for domain with the comparison report by keyword domains.

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For the example in this video tutorial we put on the skin of Qlik, manufacturer QlikView BI software to find out what SEMrush tell us about your competitors in organic search and sponsored search results, and how keywords are competing in both environments.

To begin, we introduce the domain of Qlik, qlik.com in the search space to access the results of the main report for domain, namely the MAIN COMPETITORS section, accessing the full report informs us of the domains that share with that of qlik.com words positioned in the top 20 places in the organic search results of Google Spain.

This report, orderly default competitiveness, indicating for each of the domains of competitors both keywords in common as total has positioned keywords in the TOP 20 of the SERP. We chose the one we are most interested in, in this case InformationBuilders.com and by clicking on the number of positioned keywords they have in common, we agree to a new report that shows the detail of the keywords that share both domains in the TOP 20 and the positions of each domain for each word, besides the usual indicators Search Volume, CPC, Proficiency, search results and habitual Trend reports by words.

As part of SEM, the process for keywords that we share with our competitors is almost identical, but this time selecting the full report COMPETITORS IN ADS, in the area of ad results, showing domains competing in Adwords for the same keywords as us. Also by clicking on the number indicating keywords adwords we share with one of these competitors, access the report detallle of those keywords for which both domains are bidding on Adwords.

This report also detailed information on the position of each domain in sponsored search results, and the usual indicatorsSearch Volume, CPC, Proficiency, search results and trend displays.

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