Why EDR Can Prevent the Next Data Breach


Endpoints are devices connected to your network, such as smartphones, laptops, routers, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Endpoints enable users to access the network from different physical locations and devices. However, this benefit can turn into a risk when attackers take advantage of endpoints to breach the network. Read on to learn how to secure endpoints with EDR practices and tools..

Everything You Need to Know About Azure Backup and Recovery

Cloud backup recovery

Backup and recovery are two important mechanisms designed for the purpose of ensuring the continual health of your data. Backups are typically divided into categories that measure level of usage, such as cold storage for archives. The purpose of recovery is to ensure that you have a backup to restore if and when your data is lost. This article offers a review of key Azure backup and recovery services..

Detecting indexes, tables and packages not used on DB2

DB2, from version 9.7, allows to know easily what indexes are not being used in a Database. The query is also for tables and packages.

This is a useful tool for tuning indexes and detecting problems in their use.

After version 9.7 DB2 includes a new LASTUSED field in the SYSCAT.INDEXES, SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.PACKAGES tables.

This field indicates the date of last use of indexes, tables or packages.

For example, to query unused indexes since 1/1/2019, you could use this simple query:

HPC on Azure: A Quick Guide

High-Performance Computing (HPC) enables you to leverage cloud-based supercomputing with the scalability of the cloud. Most major cloud vendors offer HPC services, including Azure, Google, and AWS. In this article, you’ll learn what HPC is and how it works on Azure. You’ll also learn how to deploy and manage Azure-based HPC.


db2look – Create DDL for table or full schema

Db2look is an utility to extract the definition of database objects. It also allows some really interesting statistics to extract objects for export to other test environments / integration plans and get the same access to objects.

In this article we will see more frequent usefulness.

DDL extraction of the objects in my schema:

db2look -d MI_BBDD -a -e -x -o FICHERO_SALIDA.txt

Extraction of the DDL of the DEPT table:

db2look -d MI_BBDD -t DEPT -a -e -x -o FICHERO_SALIDA.txt


To include statistics to have to use the “-m” option.