SSIS: Workaround to two errors for no apparent reason when we insert data in MySql

SSIS: Workaround to two errors for no apparent reason when we insert data in MySqlFor whatever reason we may have to develop a Microsoft Integration Services package we move data from any source to a table that is in a MySQL database.

The first aim will do so through an ADO.NET Destination and MySQL provider for the connection. If we do well to insert the data directly, to create the target, select the connection and then select the table appears an error like the following check everything with the preview or try and do the assignments...




Dataprix laboratories inaugurate an online demo of Pentaho

Dataprix laboratories inaugurate an online demo of Pentaho

Dataprix We have created a space in which we call Lab, accessible from the domain, where we operate online experiments and demonstrations of products.

Start the experiment, in beta, allowing online access to the virtual image and Mariano Dario Pentaho, eglue Group. Try it and you will tell us how this performs. We hope in future to be updated version of Pentaho and go to expand the data, reports and dashboards available, but what there is now enough to prove how this Open Source BI server. And if someone wants to tweak more simply download the virtual image, with all pre-configured development environment.







MySql: Slow queries, queries to optimize control

In MySQL there is a parameter that enables logging of queries that take more than x seconds to execute calls Slow Queries. Basically what it does is put them in a log file and then check with mysqldumpslow. This mechanism may be useful to improve the overall performance of the database if we reduce the value of a progressive manner to the execution times of "leave" before declaring a query such as "slow" or slow query...


More prominence for users Dataprix

Ranking de Empresas en Dataprix


We want to give more importance to our users, and better distinguish the personal profiles of the corporate community, in order to enhance each in his way.

When someone registers Dataprix, by default you get a personal profile that has its own blog, and you can open topics in the forum, comment on any content, update status, subscribe to content or communicate with others in the comunity , among other things.

If it is a company that wants to share content more corporate types, such as press releases, product information, success stories, events, etc. us has to seek and attach to your user profile so you can now also publish such content.

The novelty is that we have split this ranking in two ..



Mysql: Daily Checklist


en leave a small post on how to mount an automatic notification via mail that tells us what is the status of our database. For example we can manage it a bit before starting our work day and before we leave or while on vacation (jaja. ..). This example is about a MySQL 5.x running on Debian. Steps as follows...




Knowledge Management Issues

Knowledge Management IssuesI take this blog entry to retrieve the answers to three questions I posed Edgar Cateriano to participate as an expert in one article on Knowledge Management in the journal that published CLADEA . The participation was very low end, and I think are worth sharing the thoughts that arose from these questions...

Spanish Business Intelligence

There are three Spanish suppliers of business intelligence software. I am referring to Apesoft, Litebi And Bingo Intelligence.
Interestingly, the products of these three BI vendors are very different. Apesoft software is essentially a report generator in Excel, with some additional features that facilitate the automation and distribution of these reports. Litebi solution provides software as a service, ie, data and applications are on their servers, and clients access via a simple yet powerful web interface. And finally, Bingo Intelligence platform that offers a smart client to access corporate information in a very visual ...


Remote access with Oracle dblink global_names or without

"Without knowing how easy the item may seem difficult"

Creating a database link to point to an oracle database to another in principle is easier, if you read the post dataprix Remote access through Oracle dblink . The pity is that in this post do not say anything about the global_names of each database and rename the dblink as if global_names are active.


  1. We created the dblink to a dummy database hr (after having configured tnsnames ...):
    create database link connect to rrhh dblinkrrhh recursoshumanos IDENTIFIED BY USING 'HR';
  2. Consult your name and surprise is not called if DBLINKRRHH.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM dblinkrrhh. We can see with the following query:
    select * from dba_db_links;

    Now what?

Which brings Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

Last week I attended a Web Seminar Oracle that presented the new features of Oracle Business Intelligence 11g.

The truth is that I was pleasantly surprised, because these improvements solved what I considered so far the main weaknesses of the Oracle BI Suites .

Most significant to me is the integration efforts made in the portal since it can use most of the tools of the suite, and thus reduce the feeling of working with different products. For instance, you can create operational BI Publisher reports from the same portal, and has created an integrated scorecarding tool that allows you to define KPI's, and 'react' with Agents and Actions, another pending issue of the suite. The part of administración system has also been integrated into Enterprise Manager.

Other improvements are those which have been introduced in the creation and display Dashboard, the possibility of using interactive maps, and above all the possibility of using also Answers MOLAP data sources such as Essbase cubes, which enables integration Hyperion, greatly improves the analytic reporting and enables dynamic navigation for multi-dimensional hierarchies, and other features in the reports.