Search more accessed tables in DB2

 It’s relatively simple and unfamiliar tool for the novices: db2top.

Using the option “T” (tables) and sorting the list (key “z”) using column 1.

The first position will be for the most accessed table.

If there is much difference between that and the rest during an appreciable period of normal use of the database, these tables would be candidates to improve their access or optimice their access to improve the overall performance,


DB2TOP register and replay

Actually DB2TOP is a real-time tool, however many DBA’s don’t know that it can be run in REPLAY mode with captured session information. So, next time you have a big crisis with your database, you can capture all the data from db2top and do the analysis afterwards.

How to capture the data? Option -C to capture. Press N to create a file. The option “-m” to gather data during n minutes.

Options db2 command line – Disable autocommit

DB2 command line utility has different options. In this post we show how to disable the autocommit of DML statements that by default is active. In case you want to do some test, for example, simulating the use of locks could be helpful to disable this feature.

Options from DB2 command line can be obtained with the following sentences:

DB2 with BLU Acceleration for SAP

Every time it’s more common SAP environments running with DB2.

Attached a video regarding the capabilities of DB2 with BLU Acceleration applied to SAP and all SAP notes to consider.

Surprising comparative with SAP HANA, and as with less complexity and investment, you get more performance.

Pay attention to the comparison with SAP HANA:

Attached also the IBM Redbook Architecting and Deploying DB2 with BLU Acceleration.


BI USABILITY: evolution and tendencies


What is known today by the name Business Intelligence (BI) has an origin and evolution that should be looked at in order to introduce the concept that will be the subject of this article: “BI Usability”.

One of the principal goals of BI is that users find the information they need to make decisions in due time and proper form. The form includes, among other things, the format in which the information is presented and the level of interaction expected to obtain the desired result. The previous points make up the term “BI Usability”.


Usability can be defined as software’s ease of use, in which factors such as the familiarity of the design, comfort, attractiveness, level of interaction permitted, response time, etc. also come into play.

Various definitions of usability have been selected to complement the concept: (*1):