LifeDashBoard 4 Team Prelytis SaaS solution, you can use without paying for their use.

Prelytis, the company recently surprised us by being the frist to adapt its Business Intelligence solution (or Dashboarding, more specifically) to Apple's iPad, also excels in the world of SaaS solutions with its proposal LifeDashBoard 4 Team, which is not is nothing but the cloud version of its software LifeDashBoard Dashboards.

It has the usual characteristics of SaaS software, and soon afte a user register and upload data from an Excel spreadsheet, for example, may have created an attractive dashboard. Collaborative options available, and also takes advantage of the features of mobile devices like the iPhone or IPAD.

But what makes this more special is that it's SaaS solution, but can be used without paying for its use, and without limitation in the number of users. A strong commitment by Prelytis, which seems to be really willing to put a dent in the world based BI innovative proposals.



How to disable autocommit option in SQL Server Management Studio

Have you ever wondered how to disable the autocommit option in Sql Server Management Studio?

The answer is quick. Simply uncheck the option SET IMPLICIT_TRASLATIONS. To do it follow next path from the menu:

Tools> Options> Execution of the query> SQL Server> ANSI, then Uncheck Option SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS.



It seems rather simple but is a common doubt when you start using SQL Server Management Studio. By sharing this tip I hope to save time to someone that wants to disable the autocommit option in SQL Management Studio.


Pentaho 2.0: Virtual Image

From Grupo eGlu, Dario Bernabeu and Mariano García Mattío, we have created a virtual machine (vmware) that contains a fully functional BI solution.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 8.10
  • BI Platform: Pentaho 2.0

This demo also has the following modules:

  • Pentaho Data Integration: Through this tool we have designed the transformations and jobs that extract, transform and load the data to populate the Data Warehouse. (Select option 'No catalog')
  • Mondrian Workbench: Through this tool we have created multidimensional schemes.
  • Pentaho Metadata Editor: Through this tool we've created the Business Model.
  • Design Studio: Through this tool we have developed the xactions.
  • Pentaho Report Design: Through this tool we have created an ad hoc report that requests input parameters.

These modules can be accessed through the taskbar side:

Improve MySQL performance by adjusting some parameters

MySQL, like most database managers, can easily modify the parameters that control memory sizes engaged in certain tasks, resource utilization, concurrency limits, etc.

Properly adjusting these parameters can be obtained many performance improvements, especially if the server / s of the database is not about resources, and if the SQL optimization can not be improved more.

I've recently made some basic settings in a MySQL database, so I take this opportunity to explain some of the process I followed for those who seek an easy way to make a first optimization of parameters in the database. This is not to say that this is the best way to do just that to me has worked out well;)

The first comment that can be very helpful to look in phpMyAdmin to the sections 'Show information about MySQL runtime' and 'Show MySQL system variables', normally accessible from the home page of the application.

The first displays information and statistics collected and maintained the system since its beginning. Pay special attention to the values of variables that are displayed in red, and the advice provided to the right of these values.

Please refer to the variables used to determine the current values of the parameters that could later be modified to improve performance.


SQL08: affinity_mask, IO_affinity_mask and like riding two on a single server environments without being "walked"

We put ourselves in position
In our environment we may need to have two replicas of a / s data base distinct environments (the classic example would be production and test). In deciding as we do the most common questions we must ask ourselves are:

- Is this new environment will be temporary? Does large data bases in terms of volume and / or load to be borne is high (even test)?
- Is there version SqlServer2008 development? That alone is at hand if you have an MSDN subscription ...
- Is there an extra server?

Based on these questions and all that it can happen one can opt for different solutions:
"The easiest and if the database to bear the burden are small we can use the same server for all databases (created on the same server with different names (_test) and Holy Easter ...). In order not to disturb each other we can use Resource Governor.
"The most" aseptic "if resources permit and where it would be worthwhile to mount on different servers (if we have the development version)
"Another option is a mixture of the above. Fit the two environments on the same server but different instances.
-Etc ...

1 server cpu n (n> 1) + 2 = 2 instances environments

Oracle10g: Manual standby database (initial approach)

An Oracle database in Standby is an exact copy of an operational database on a remote server, used as a backup, and copy for reference, disaster recovery, etc..

A database in the Standby mode is more than a normal backup because it can be put into production disaster in less time than if we had to restore a copy (either from a simple rman or export).Restore a copy from file takes time, and during this period the system is unavailable. With an additional database in standby mode there is nothing (or almost nothing to restore) in case of disaster. Within minutes, allowing the change is continuity of service. It offers the performance advantages of a cluster or safety of the mirror but the ratio of costs versus benefits and leave time seems right to me.

From a global perspective:

We release the weekly Newsletter Dataprix

Subscripción a la Newsletter Semanal de DataprixWe have modified the email subscription system to Dataprix content.

So far this subscription using the Feedburner system associated with the main RSS Dataprix to send automatically to every user subscribed to a daily email with the new publications of the previous day.

We decided to change this system to one that allows itself a subscription / low snapshot from the same page. For registered users only a matter of pressing a button, and the user is not only need to enter an email address and validate it later from the mail that will be sent.

Another advantage we get is that we will create a newsletter for each language Dataprix for each one would reach the new content of your preferred language.

Furthermore, the creation of the Newsletter will be weekly and manual, thus having the possibility to further customize the content of it, and select what they consider most interesting of everything published during the week.

The Newsletter is sent every Tuesday, referring to the new content published since the previous Tuesday.