Use Semrush to win the battle to your competitors

Herramienta Semrush para análisis SEM y SEO


SEMrush is one of the best tools of SEM and SEO for marketing online professionals.

If you are a professional of online marketing, either offering services of SEM and SEO positioning to third parties, or belong to the marketing department of a company that invests in Adwords, I am convinced that after trying it you can't stop using it..


How to do competitive analysis and find the best keywords

Search keywords

Let's see how SEMrush, one of the tools SEO indispensable, can help us improve our SEO positioning allowing us to track the keywords which we are working and which are not and, more importantly, find out if those words are running our competition and whether they are highly sought words. So, with this competition analysis, we evaluate by what keywords we bet on our strategy of organic positioning, which is better rule, and how we should adapt our publications and organize your linking strategy, internal and external, to improve Any word positioning on search engines.

How to fix broken links with Semrush

The broken external links from our web is a major problem because, besides subtracting useful publication, depending on the importance of the external source to supplement the informations of our post, penalize post, and our domain if we have a lot of face to the search engines like Google.
As broken links without significant and is an easy thing to detect for any robot or spider, few SEO tools not report any broken links on our website when making our typical SEO site audit. In this post we will explain how to use the Semrush tool to detect and correct these broken links.

Business Intelligence with MicroStrategy

Business Intelligence with MicroStrategy CookbookBusiness Intelligence gets more traction by the day: with offerings on the Cloud and mobile devices getting wider acceptance from the market.

MicroStrategy Reporting Suite is a complete BI platform that covers all data analysis needs that a company or public entity may have. Dashboards, Scorecards, KPIs, and all kinds of reports can be explored and manipulated in the desktop application, web interface, mobile devices or cloud..

Interview with the authors of "Pentaho 5.0 Reporting by example"


Pentaho Reporting by ExampleMariano Garcia and Dario Bernabeu recently announced on his blog of Dataprix the publication of his new book 'Pentaho Reporting 5.0 by Example: Beginner's Guide'.


Knowing both authors and their previous work, we are confident on the utility of that book for anyone who wants to work with Pentaho Report Designer, but we'd rather interview them to explain it themselves..


Avoiding errors concatenating fields with numerical values in SQL Server

concatenate stringsThe operator to concatenate in SQL Server is '+', but this operator is also used to add values.


Being the same operator for both, the query analyzer makes a concatenation or a sum based on the type of data fields being treated. If the fields are of 'string' type, the operator concatenate, and if it has numeric fields, two integers, for example, it add the two values.

Tips for UPSERT or update using insert in SQL Server

Merge SQL

In many cases, especially in ETL processes or data loading to a data warehouse, for example, we would rather use a single sentence or the checking of the existence of a register and its updating. If register doesn't exist we would want to insert it. This combination has been nicknamed UPSERT, although in SQL there is a specific statement to make it, which is MERGE.