The Benefits of Software Composition Analysis

Software Composition Analysis

It was only a few years ago when IT departments were able to manually handle vulnerabilities. Today, disruptive technologies and dynamic approaches to development have changed the digital landscape. Security is no longer the sole responsibility of the IT department. The borders of the security perimeter have been blurred, obscuring the visibility of digital spaces..

Dataprix laboratories inaugurate an online demo of Pentaho

Dataprix laboratories inaugurate an online demo of Pentaho

Dataprix We have created a space in which we call Lab, accessible from the domain, where we operate online experiments and demonstrations of products.

Start the experiment, in beta, allowing online access to the virtual image and Mariano Dario Pentaho, eglue Group. Try it and you will tell us how this performs. We hope in future to be updated version of Pentaho and go to expand the data, reports and dashboards available, but what there is now enough to prove how this Open Source BI server. And if someone wants to tweak more simply download the virtual image, with all pre-configured development environment.







Pentaho BI Server 3.5.2 stable

A few minutes are up to publish the stable versions of Pentaho BI Server 3.5.2.

You can download it at:

I have not reviewed this version, but I am doing beta testing before and have found no major changes in the UI, just some updates of bookstores, but not widen too much.

Whenever I get more information, I have the relevant comments.


Twitter will migrate from MySQL to Cassandra DB

Cassandra is an open source database distributed, is one of the noteworthy projects of the Apache Software Foundation and appears to be hitting hard. By being distributed enables high availability, fault tolerance and, above all, a highly scalable without loss of performance.

And were using companies that handle large amounts of data such as Rackspace, Digg, or Facebook, and the list is expanding.

The latest news, coming from a blog interview with Ryan King MyNoSQL is that Twitter is considering migrating their MySQL server clusters Cassandra DB.

This is a product presentation, which can be found in the same web Cassandra Project 

jQuery FlexiGrid 2 in Pentaho

Hello People

Following a series of needs I have decided to develop for the group eglu and, of course, to all of you, a plugin that allows you to use jQuery FlexiGrid since Pentaho-CDF.
Not if you permit to happen, my especially if they need a list with a number of features such as filtering, sorting, paging, sorting, selection of visible columns, resize, etc.. Without doubt, this is what jQuery provides FlexiGrid 2.0. The theme is to make it work in Pentaho is somewhat cumbersome, this was my trigger. Without further ado I attached a video showing the functionality of the plugin. In a few days annexed to the plugin, source, demos and documentation so they can try and give me feedback.