More prominence for users Dataprix

Ranking de Empresas en Dataprix


We want to give more importance to our users, and better distinguish the personal profiles of the corporate community, in order to enhance each in his way.

When someone registers Dataprix, by default you get a personal profile that has its own blog, and you can open topics in the forum, comment on any content, update status, subscribe to content or communicate with others in the comunity , among other things.

If it is a company that wants to share content more corporate types, such as press releases, product information, success stories, events, etc. us has to seek and attach to your user profile so you can now also publish such content.

The novelty is that we have split this ranking in two ..



Knowledge Management Issues

Knowledge Management IssuesI take this blog entry to retrieve the answers to three questions I posed Edgar Cateriano to participate as an expert in one article on Knowledge Management in the journal that published CLADEA . The participation was very low end, and I think are worth sharing the thoughts that arose from these questions...

We release the weekly Newsletter Dataprix

Subscripción a la Newsletter Semanal de DataprixWe have modified the email subscription system to Dataprix content.

So far this subscription using the Feedburner system associated with the main RSS Dataprix to send automatically to every user subscribed to a daily email with the new publications of the previous day.

We decided to change this system to one that allows itself a subscription / low snapshot from the same page. For registered users only a matter of pressing a button, and the user is not only need to enter an email address and validate it later from the mail that will be sent.

Another advantage we get is that we will create a newsletter for each language Dataprix for each one would reach the new content of your preferred language.

Furthermore, the creation of the Newsletter will be weekly and manual, thus having the possibility to further customize the content of it, and select what they consider most interesting of everything published during the week.

The Newsletter is sent every Tuesday, referring to the new content published since the previous Tuesday.

Dataprix change the logo

Logotipo de DataprixAs many have noticed, we changed Dataprix logo.

Although the symbol of the head with the database during the previous logo reflected fairly well the spirit of Dataprix, and the relationship between data and knowledge, we believe it necessary to create a logo more 'professional', which will be the basis corporate image Dataprix.

Our primary corporate color is still blue, so the change on the web has not noticed too. We have changed the symbol for a 3D database, and D-shaped, to keep referring to the data, and lose the reference to knowledge that gave us the figure of a blue head, but you can not have everything in life ;).

In addition, we've heard from somewhere that may be better to simplify the meaning of the symbol to convey a clearer picture. For people not as technological areas, which need not recognize the symbol of a database could also be difficult to identify. On occasion I have come to discuss that on seeing the logo Dataprix seemed he might have something to do with a headache, or Bayer aspirin ..