Improve MySQL performance by adjusting some parameters

MySQL, like most database managers, can easily modify the parameters that control memory sizes engaged in certain tasks, resource utilization, concurrency limits, etc.

Properly adjusting these parameters can be obtained many performance improvements, especially if the server / s of the database is not about resources, and if the SQL optimization can not be improved more.

I've recently made some basic settings in a MySQL database, so I take this opportunity to explain some of the process I followed for those who seek an easy way to make a first optimization of parameters in the database. This is not to say that this is the best way to do just that to me has worked out well;)

The first comment that can be very helpful to look in phpMyAdmin to the sections 'Show information about MySQL runtime' and 'Show MySQL system variables', normally accessible from the home page of the application.

The first displays information and statistics collected and maintained the system since its beginning. Pay special attention to the values of variables that are displayed in red, and the advice provided to the right of these values.

Please refer to the variables used to determine the current values of the parameters that could later be modified to improve performance.


SQL08: Synchronization Database Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 on SQL Server 2008

For those database administrators who have to deal with such a Dynamics Ax 2009 and his henchmen (developers, consultants, etc. )  I leave here a couple of things you should know (or I should say) when we join ax2009 and sql server 2008. Sometimes you can point to the database as a source of the problem but not always. Some requirements to consider for installing Ax2009 are that the user you want access to the system should be user and DOMAIN in sql server role must be a member of securityadmin dbcreator and to create the new database from Ax installer. Once installed (or during the installation process) the problem with the database that we can find include: 

Database Express. One way to start with the big ones.

In a previous blog entry ( OpenSource Databases. Why did we choose for our project Mysql?), talked about the Open Source databases such as interesting and reliable option for the development of business intelligence projects. We saw some different products and compare between them.

But there are other alternatives (with limitations in most cases) that allow us to start working with "big" of a free. Express versions are called. Versions are designed for small systems, for development work or training, for prototyping or evaluation, that allow us to "initiation" with the great managers of relational databases. In most cases, the product is offered fully functional, but with limitations (the maximum size of the database, use Ram memory or processors of the machine, etc). There may also be features that are not active in these versions (such as partitioning version  of Oracle Express).  I leave the link to the manufacturers' web sites where you can download these versions:

Pentaho Solutions: Reviews


I finally finished reading the book Pentaho Solutions, who kindly have sent me Roland Bouman (co-author of the book) and Wiley.

On that occasion will realize different reviews from different points of view, as I did with Pentaho Reporting. Here are the reviews:


1) Overview :  It is a very easy book to read and handled very well the theoretical and practical.

As the concepts are giving more complex and heavy, is always accompanied with an example, graphic or exercise.

This book is really very useful and indispensable reading both for those who are just beginning to work with Pentaho, and for that we have some time.



Information is the power, Business Intelligence on Corporate Governance


"The goal of Business Intelligence is to provide the information they need, when you need it and in a form appropriate to people who have to make decisions."

The aim of this paper is to support the Business Intelligence or BI should be, of all business software tools (including CRM, ERP, or BI himself), that is closest to the role of management, specifically the Executive Officer.

Since the computer revolution and the explosion of Internet, information is becoming more and more importance. Everything is or will soon be digitized, the amount of information available each year is multiplied and the activity of our business is computerized in most respects.

Studies tell us that the information maintained by companies is doubling every two years and that 80% of decisions are made with only 10% of the available information.

And all of this information is power! Is necessary, vital, to compete. 

Defragment to optimize MySQL tables


In MySQL, when you delete records from a table, space is reallocated automatically. It is as empty space and forming new attachments will advantage.

The problem is that if a table perform many DELETE operations, the physical space of the table will become increasingly fragmented and the performance is reduced.

In the MyISAM and InnoDB, OPTIMIZE TABLE command available to perform an optimization on any table that, among other things, performs an automatic defragmentation of the table.

It is highly recommended to use this command regularly especially on tables that are more statements of disposal of records.

As a precaution, keep in mind that during implementation, of course, the table is blocked. You have to remember when you are going to use with large tables and busy.

Supersimples The syntax is:


OPTIMIZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] TABLE mi_tabla1 [, mi_tabla2] ...;

To make a fragmented table optimization can be selected to have free space, probably as a result of DELETE statements:

The cost of having high availability systems with Oracle

[quote]What's the cost of downtime to your business? $100,000 per hour, $1,000,000 or more? The recent volcanic ash that has grounded European flights is estimated to be costing the airlines $200M a day. In the IT world, High Availability (HA) architectures allow for disaster recovery as well as uninterrupted business continuity during system failure...[/quote]…

We release the weekly Newsletter Dataprix

Subscripción a la Newsletter Semanal de DataprixWe have modified the email subscription system to Dataprix content.

So far this subscription using the Feedburner system associated with the main RSS Dataprix to send automatically to every user subscribed to a daily email with the new publications of the previous day.

We decided to change this system to one that allows itself a subscription / low snapshot from the same page. For registered users only a matter of pressing a button, and the user is not only need to enter an email address and validate it later from the mail that will be sent.

Another advantage we get is that we will create a newsletter for each language Dataprix for each one would reach the new content of your preferred language.

Furthermore, the creation of the Newsletter will be weekly and manual, thus having the possibility to further customize the content of it, and select what they consider most interesting of everything published during the week.

The Newsletter is sent every Tuesday, referring to the new content published since the previous Tuesday.

Pentaho BI Server 3.5.2 stable

A few minutes are up to publish the stable versions of Pentaho BI Server 3.5.2.

You can download it at:

I have not reviewed this version, but I am doing beta testing before and have found no major changes in the UI, just some updates of bookstores, but not widen too much.

Whenever I get more information, I have the relevant comments.
