How to connect from Oracle SQL Developer with a remote SQL Server

I tried to create a connection in SQL Developer with a remote SQL Server database. The first steps to configure Oracle SQL Developer are described in the introductory article to SQL Developer, and had already done some testing with a SQL Server installed on the same machine as SQL Developer, but when I tried to do it with a remote BD SQL Server I found some additional difficulty that I think it's interesting to comment.

BI and General Management

This article is the first of a total of three that we are going to publish from LITEBI, each one will be part of a Whitepaper focused on the effects and contributions of Business Intelligence to the company from the point of view of the CEO. 


What is Business Intelligence?

Wikipedia gives us the following definition on this concept:
“Computer-based techniques used in identifying, extracting, and analyzing business data, such as sales revenue by products and/or departments, or by associated costs and incomes”

In other words, software tools that enable that all the information of a company (sales, purchases, financial information, production, marketing, etc.) “flows” in an organized way through the business, reaching the right person, at the right time. To this, in LITEBI we would also note that achieving Intelligence needs full-featured and integrated tools to manage and optimize the performance of the company as a whole and to align it with the business strategy.

A tool with all these characteristics makes things easier for those in charge of the decision making in each department: a CFO, a Sales Manager, a CEO or a Controller.

BI USABILITY: evolution and tendencies


What is known today by the name Business Intelligence (BI) has an origin and evolution that should be looked at in order to introduce the concept that will be the subject of this article: “BI Usability”.

One of the principal goals of BI is that users find the information they need to make decisions in due time and proper form. The form includes, among other things, the format in which the information is presented and the level of interaction expected to obtain the desired result. The previous points make up the term “BI Usability”.


Usability can be defined as software’s ease of use, in which factors such as the familiarity of the design, comfort, attractiveness, level of interaction permitted, response time, etc. also come into play.

Various definitions of usability have been selected to complement the concept: (*1):

How to connect to a remote MySQL database

MySQL has some special features when making a connection from a remote client that if we do not know can complicate access to a MySQL database from a different machine that hosts the database.

With other databases such as Oracle or SQL Server, once that no firewall or anything like that prevents us from the client machine access to the server, using normally data acces from a database user we can 'enter'.

With MySQL, although access to the port, usually 3306, is open, the database can be configured to shut out external connections, and the result is the same as if the port was closed by a firewall..

Learning NoSQL

The emergence of twitter, facebook, Groupon, amazon, etc ... is becoming increasingly popular new forms of large data storage and fast access to them. The terms NoSQL , Big Data , Hadoop ... are rapidly becoming popular.

Not long ago we talked about it:


- Comparison of NoSQL Databases ( Cassandra , MongoDB , CouchDB , Redis , Riak and HBase ) 
- Infographics, the potential for big data . 
- Pentaho also is accelerating much its integration with Big Data.


Today we give you some more detailed presentations, where we can research:  

Statistical Data Warehouse - European Central Bank

European Central Bank StatisticsI found very interesting the initiative of the European Central Bank, to provide a statistical service on-line in the so-called Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW).

This Data Warehouse is aimed at a broad spectrum of users (financial analysts, journalists, businesses, economists, researchers, etc. ..). Provides macroeconomic data on-line in the euro zone: inflation, exchange rates, labor costs, unemployment, productivity, public deficit, public debt, payments balance, international investment position, sociodemographic data, tax information, etc...

Real Time Data Integration - CDC

There is an ever greater need in the Business Intelligence environment to have the information in the shortest time possible, data generation cycles getting shorter and updating of data in near real time. There is talk of 'Operational Business Intelligence (OBI)' and 'Real Time Decision Support'.

It is critical to reaching operational data analytic environments in shortest possible time. There is a need for a 'Real Time Data Integration'.

In the optimization of these data integration processes, we must consider both the usual source data (ERP's, CRM's, operating systems, databases, flat files, Excel, XML, etc. ..) and other from more immediate nature such as messaging queues and on-line information accessed via Web services or RSS.