5 Best Practices to Optimize Costs in Azure

Azure cost optimization lets you reduce cloud spending by matching the infrastructure you use in the Azure cloud to your actual requirements. The better the match, the lower your cloud costs. To take a simple example, if you are running virtual machines (VMs) on Azure and they are not utilized at all, this represents a mismatch between your cloud infrastructure and business needs. By shutting down the VMs, you can conserve costs.

Artificial Intelligence: Impacts on Society and the Economy in the Coming Decade

Artificial intelligence is software that performs tasks without human intervention or minimal intervention. To achieve this, developers and data scientists implement machine learning (ML) processes. These are essentially complex algorithms that teach machines various learning techniques.

A notable sub-field of ML is deep learning (DL), which has been said to significantly aid the development of various autonomous capabilities of AI..

3 Practical Ways to Use Decision Tree to Your Advantages

Many businesses struggle to make the right decisions, even with having experts in different fields, despite business goals and objectives. With the massive database, it is often difficult to classify and make accurate decisions with predictive analytics. Therefore, decision trees are one of the most sought-after algorithms for effectively making critical decisions. It does not mean that the algorithms are complicated, but they are understandable to others..

5 (Best) Use Cases of Natural Language Processing in Banking Sectors

With AI and ML advanced algorithms, banking sectors use NLP to automate the various processes. The procedure includes document processing, analyzing, and activities related to customers for hassle-free services. The banking industry is one of the critical sectors for more than decades, and lots of transactions take place at every moment. And it is always a huge challenge to have everything on the record without a series of automation processes..

Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Language is very important for communication, it works like a tool. According to a google search, there are 7117 languages that exist in the world. But all these languages are used by humans only and in this digital world, only humans are not interested in communicating with each other only, since the development of machines. And the start of the digital world is because of computer invention. Today we all can work with the computer very efficiently.

But in the beginning, the computer was vast and very fast as today, because it was not able to process our language so it landed to miscommunication. This is time when Natural language processing comes into the picture..

Google Cloud Database and Master Data: Disaster Recovery Techniques

Google Cloud offers a broad set of tools for disaster recovery (DR). A key part of any disaster recovery setup is the data - how will data be replicated to a DR site? When disaster occurs, how will you ensure your data is in sync, and how can you restore your data and meet your RTO? Rean on to learn about these practices.

Moving HPC to the Cloud: A Guide for 2020

High performance computing (HPC) enables you to leverage parallel processing for performing complex calculations. You can do that on-premises or in the cloud. All top cloud vendors, like Azure, AWS, GCP, and IBM, provide HPC offerings. This article explains what is HPC, why it’s important, what is the difference between HPC services, and what are the benefits of using cloud-based HPC.

Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration: Avoiding the Obstacles

When organizations look to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL database, they usually see the advanced features, high performance, flexible open-source licensing, data integrity and easy availability from public cloud providers. But the way to migration is not easy, and you need to know how to avoid the obstacles if you are to be successful..